Throughout this text you may see references to other manuals. This manual is provided in conjunction with the Overview training course and is intended as an overview for users to get familiar with the common features of the application.
Other training courses and the corresponding manuals that are provided with the trainings include:
- Work Order Management Level 1 – Provides a detailed explanation of Work Orders and Work Requests.
- Work Order Management Level 2 – A detailed look at the preventive maintenance process in eMaint.
- Planner/Timecard Module – This manual is offered in conjunction with Work Order Management Level 1 for those clients that wish to setup and utilize the Planner/Timecard module.
- Inventory Control – Process of tracking and managing your inventory, including parts file setup, supplier management, reordering stock parts, creating purchase orders (PO), tracking parts charges to assets, and producing inventory reports.
- Inventory Control for Multiple Locations – A slight modification to the standard inventory control manual, with a focus on the setup and management of multiple inventory stockroom locations, and a review of the requisitioning process that must be used for parts replenishment when using multiple storeroom locations.
- Requisitioning Method of Inventory Control – For those who use the Requisitioning module as part of the parts reorder process. Explains the process for requisition setup, creating and approving requisitions, and producing stock requisitions.
- System Administration – Provides a detailed overview of all the administrative functions in eMaint, including adding and defining users and user rights, various system setup options, and customizing forms.
- Query Builder – Overview of the basic concepts of report writing and using the Query Builder to create basic reports.
- Advanced Query Builder – This course discusses more advanced features in the Query Builder for producing complex reports.
Other training materials and resources designed to help you become proficient in all areas of the system are available through the eMaint University link on your eMaint X3 account. eMaint University is our e-learning portal, and is regularly updated with new content. For more information, please contact us at 856-810-2700 or
We offer three ways to get the help you need:
Phone – 856-810-2700 extension 2
Email –
Live chat – Go to and click the Live Chat box.