Data Dictionary

    The Data Dictionary is the central table in the system where display options and configurations are stored. This dictionary is fundamental to the workings of the entire system. Weurgeyoutouseextremecautionifyoumustworkinthisarea. If you are not sure about changing a particular field in the data dictionary, DONOT change it. Any changes you make in the data dictionary will affect the way in which fields and forms function. Alter it with caution.






    To enter the data dictionary record for a field, open the field’s properties and scroll to the bottom of the properties screen. Click the link labeled DataDictionary.





    The Data Dictionary File Listing is available in the Administration section of the Navigation tab. When you click it for the first time you will see an unfiltered screen similar to the one below.



    Use the standard list view functionality to find a specific record or set of records by using the filter fields. By specifying a table name (WORK, CONTACT, COMPINFO, etc) in the “Dd_dbf” filter field, you can display an entire table's definitions and settings. You can also filter for a field name by entering it into the Dd_name field. If you want to filter for the description of a field (user name), enter the information into the Dd_desc field.



    To effectively use the Manage Data Dictionary link you will need to know some common table names. Knowing the table name is essential if you are to find the information you need to modify. The illustration below is a list of the most commonly used tables in the data dictionary.





































    Once you find the field you wish to modify, enter the records the same way you do from any other list view. Click the magnifying glass or the Unique Key Field link to view the detail of the record. Click the pencil icon to open the detail view in edit mode.




    To make changes directly to the data dictionary record for a field click the pencil icon on the list view or click the Edit button on the detail view. The dictionary record will change and allow for input of data.


    TIP: The Data Dictionary's detail view is a very large page. It is a good idea to locate the line item you want to change before you click edit. That way you will know where you need to be and avoid making errors on other lines.


    The following is an example of the data dictionary in edit mode:





    Spacesbetweenrows – You can add an extra space between rows to separate one group of fields from another. You do this by configuring the 'Nspceafter' (numeric) attribute of the last field in the group. Configuring this attribute for a field that is not the last in a row has no affect on row spacing. The numeric value can be up to the number 4. You will need to experiment to find a setting that suits your needs; however “1” usually creates a very acceptable amount of space.


    Makingafieldreadonly - A field can be configured to prevent changes when a user edits a record. The field on the data dictionary that controls this behavior is 'Lreadonly'. This field can be set to True or False. When set to “True”, no value can be typed into the field at any time.


    Addingexplanatorytexttoafield - If you would like your users to see a helpful notation on a field when they mouse over it (for instance, what type of information must be entered in a field), enter that text in 'dd_helptxt'. When a user stops his/her mouse over the field, the mouse will appear with a question mark (?) next to it and the help text will appear for a short period of time.


    Spanningcolumns - If there is more than one column in the detail view and you would like a field in the left-most column to stretch to the right-most column, set 'Lspan_col' to “True”.


    NOTE: Youshouldonlyusethisfeatureonrowswheretheleft-mostcolumnhastheonlyrevealedfieldfortherow. Iffieldsarecontainedinthepositionsthatyourfieldwillspan, thesefieldswillbepusheddownandcreateanewrow. Thisrowisgeneratedontheflyandcannotbefurtherconfigured.


    Suppressingfieldsfromparticularusers - This functionality is useful if some users should be allowed to view or edit information on a record, and others should not. Normally, all users who have access to using or editing a record will be able to view all of the fields associated with that record. For those users that should not have these privileges, you can add their usernames, separated by commas, into the 'Mdisp_sec' (view security) and 'Medit_sec' (edit security) fields – This will remove the field from view when the user accesses the record.




    Example: The users JOEUSER1, MARYANN45, BILLDA89 exist in this example.

    To suppress these users from seeing or editing a field on the detail view, enter their names as follows into the appropriate field attributes.

    For Mdisp_sec enter-> JOEUSER1,MARYANN45,BILLDA89

    For Medit_sec enter-> JOEUSER1,MARYANN45,BILLDA89




    What are routines?


    A detail view's primary purpose is to allow a user to edit the contents of a particular record of data. A routine is a scaled down version of whatever settings have been established in a detail view. Routines reuse a detail view to populate/edit only a certain portion of a data record. Where the detail view encompasses all the needed configurations for editing the entire record, the routine allows only a portion of the detail view to display.


    A good example of a routine is Simple Work Form. The simple work form is the Work Order detail view, but it has been configured to show only a limited number of fields by entering the value “REQUEST” into the 'Mroutine' field on the fields to be shown. Another example of a common routine is “CLOSEOUT”. If you would like to have fields appear on the close out form of your work orders, enter “CLOSEOUT” in that field's 'Mroutine'.


    You can use a combination of routines on a field as well. For instance, if you would like to have a field show up on the close out form but NOT show on the regular work order form, use the “SUPRESS” routine (to suppress the field on the work order) in conjunction with the “CLOSEOUT” routine (to display the field on the close out form).



    To indicate which fields on a detail view should be included for a particular routine, the name of the routine or routines are entered into the 'Mroutine' field attribute. Routine names should be listed one after the other separated by commas.




    NOTE:Onceafieldhasbeensuppressedfromthemainform, itcanonlybedisplayedonthemainformagainbyeditingthe 'Mroutine' fielddirectlyfromthedatadictionary. (SeeexplanationofDataDictionaryFileListingbelow.)


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