How do I add a field to a form?

    • First go into any record for the form you want to modify. Ex. select to view any work order if you want to add a field to the work order form.
    • Hover your cursor over the "Options" menu item located across the top of the form and select "Customize Form" from the drop down list.
    • Select an existing yellow folder on the form somewhere to add a new field. If no yellow folders are available on the form you must add more using the options located underneath the form.
    • After selecting a folder a pop up window will appear. From this window you can either choose to add an existing field or create a new field. (Typically it is a good idea to check the list of existing fields first to make sure the field you want to add doesn't already exist before creating a field in order to avoid having duplicate fields)

    • If adding a preexisting field, simply select the field you want to add from the list and hit "Select Field". If adding a new field, fill out the information under the Create New Field section and select "Create Field."
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