How Do I Make my Related Tables Editable?

    In-line editing of a related table will allow users with editing permissions on the related table to be able to modify any records displayed in a related table without opening individual records with the GoTo button. This feature is enabled at a table level, so administrators may allow in-line editing for some tables and prevent it for others.


    To configure this behavior, open the Data Dictionary from the Navigation page and use the list view to find the table record for the table you would like to change. This record will have the table’s system name in the “Dd_dbf” column and a value of “D” in the “Dd_rectype” column.

    On this record, the Edit Show Related Table value will control the appearance of the Edit button at the top of the related table. This field (DATADICT.LSRELEDIT) may need to be added to the Data Dictionary form through Customize Form in the Options menu before you can change the value.

    After this change value is changed and saved, the Edit button will now be available for the applicable users.

    Clicking the Edit button will make all visible fields in the related table view editable. It will also cause the Save and Cancel buttons to appear.

    After making changes, click the Save button to save the changes or the Cancel button to discard the changes.



    X3System Administration

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