Meter Manual

    Meter readings are a great way to record data on your equipment; mileage, machine hours, units produced, etc. This information can be used to generate PM work orders.




    The first step is to create a meter-based PM Schedule so we can track meter readings. In order to add meter readings to an asset, there must be a PM schedule that's based on that type of meter. First, go to the asset for which you'd like to add a PM Schedule. Then, scroll down to the PM Schedule area.



    This will show you all of the PM Schedules for the asset. In this example, there are currently none. Click the Add button to create a new one. You will be taken to the PM Schedule form, where you can fill out the various fields that define and control the PM. Most of these fields are covered in the previous sections of this manual, but there is a small area of the form where the meter-based PM fields are located.


    The fields here include:


    • ProducePMEvery: This is where you can enter a numeric value for the frequency of the PM generation. Frequency is determined by a combination of this field and the Occurs Desc field. If, for example, you'd like the PM to generate every 5000 miles, put 5000 in this field.

    • OccursDesc: This field lets you set the type of measurement: HOURS, MILES, UNITS, KILOMETERS, and MISC. It's used in conjunction with the Produce PM Every field to determine the frequency. Using the same example of "every 5000 miles," you would want to select MILES from the dropdown.

    • MeterType: The Meter Type controls the way the readings will be entered and recorded. If it's set to RUNNING, you will enter the value that it currently reads, which will only go up (like an odometer on a car). If it's TOTALS, you will enter values that will be added up and the total will be used as to generate the PM's.

    • DailyAverage: This field can be filled out with an estimated average, which will allow you to see a projection in the the Scheduler.

    • LastMeterReadingEntry: This is automatically filled in and will show the value of the last meter reading that was entered.

    • LastMeterReadingDate: This will also be filled in automatically and shows the date that the last meter reading entry was made.

    • LastPMProducedAt: This is another automatically populated field. It displays what the meter read at the time when the last PM work order was produced.

    • Meter-To-Date: The historical total of all meter readings will be automatically calculated and displayed here.



    Click Save when you are finished. Now that we have a meter-based PM schedule, we can add meter readings of that type; in this case, MILES.




    There is a setting that controls the way meter-based PM's are generated. You must be logged in as the administrator to access it. Click the MyAccount link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and then click the pencil icon next to PMSettings. You will see various options for PM generation, automatic emails, etc.



    The option we're looking for is called AutomaticallygeneratePMonexceededmeterreading. If this is checked, the system will generate the PM as soon as you enter a meter reading that makes it due to generate. If it's unchecked, the PM will become due but it will not generate until 1 AM.




    Meter readings are what determine when meter-based PM's will generate. Once your meter based PM schedules are created, you can start recording data on your equipment (mileage, machine hours, units produced, etc). The different ways to enter readings into X3 are:


    • Individually via the “Meter Readings” related table under the asset form

    • Via Import

    • Via MX Mobile

    • Via the Meter Manager

    • Via Email (If you want to learn more about this type of entry search for document titled “UpdatingMeterReadingsviaE-mail”.





    Every asset has a related table below, where readings can be entered.



    Click the Add button to add a new reading. The Add form will appear, displaying the following fields:


    • TranID: This is the ID that the system uses to identify this particular transaction. The system will generate a random value to place in here.

    • MeterType: This is where you'll select the type of reading you are entering; HOURS, MILES, UNITS, KILOMETERS, or MISC.

    • DateTaken: When you add a reading, the current date will be filled in here.

    • TakenBy: You can enter your initials here so users will know who entered the meter reading.

    • MeterReading: Enter the value of the reading.

    • AssetID: This will be automatically filled in with the Asset ID of the asset for which you're adding the reading.

    • Reset: Set this field to True to indicate that you are resetting the meter. Otherwise, set it to False.

    • Adjust: If you'd like to make an adjustment to the current value of the meter, rather than adding a new reading, use this field. You can increase it by entering a numeric value or decrease it by placing a minus sign before the number (example: -50).


    When you are finished, just click the Save New Record button and the reading will be created.




    Meter Readings can be imported from an excel spreadsheet as well. This is often helpful if there are a lot of readings to enter because you don't have to spend time going to each individual asset and entering the readings one at a time.




    First, click on the MeterImport (AssetID) option, located on the Navigation page, under the PM Center heading (If you don't see the option, it may need to be added). You will be taken to this screen:



    The recommended way to begin is to click the link that says ClickheretodownloadXLSTemplate, which will give you a spreadsheet that shows you the proper form for the meter readings you're entering. It will contain all of your assets that have meter-based PM's on them, along with the proper information.


    Simply add your readings to the reading column and remove all of the rows that you don't want to import, including the header. Make sure it's saved as a MicrosoftExcel 5.0/95 Workbook type.



    Next, Click the Browse button and select the XLS file. Click Preview and the system will show you the readings it's about to import.



    If there are no errors, the lines will say ReadingsAppearValid! Click the Post button to import them. They will be imported and you can click ReturntoMainMenu to exit the import tool.



    Another way of importing meter readings is to use the PLC ID. This will allow you to have one line on a spreadsheet that represents a group of assets, which can save a lot of time if there are assets with similar meters. The first step is to go to the asset records and enter a value into the field called "PLC ID #" (Any value will do). To group assets together, make sure they have the same value in this field. If the field is not on the form, it can be added by going to the design mode and selecting it from the existing fields.


    Next, go to the Navigation page and select MeterImport (PLCID) from the PM Center section. This will work the same way as the other import tool.




    Click the button ClickheretodownloadXLSTemplate to get your template. Then, add the readings to it and use the PLC number to identify which assets you're referring to, based on the PLC numbers that were assigned to them. If, for example, I have 3 assets that all have the value "GROUP1" for the PLC ID, I can enter one row on this spreadsheet, using "GROUP1" as the PLC ID and the reading will be applied to all 3 assets, as long as those assets have meter-based PM's. Enter your meter readings in the template, remove the rows you don't wish to import, and make sure the spreadsheet is saved as MicrosoftExcel 5.0/95 Workbook.


    Now, you can click the Browse button and select the file. Click the Upload File button to preview the readings. After you examine it carefully, click the Import File button to finish.


    You can also enter meter readings through MX Mobile. To do so, type in an asset ID, select a meter type, enter in your latest meter reading, then hit “Save”.


    NOTE: A meter reset and adjustment can also be done from this screen.




    The Meter Manager is a tool that will allow you to edit or delete the meter readings that you've entered. There is no button or tab for the Meter Manager, rather it is accessed by changing the URL in the browser's address bar to this: A screen will appear that asks you to choose an asset.



    Next, you will be asked to choose which type of meter you wish to view (MILES, HOURS, etc). Just select the appropriate type and click the Preview button. The following screen will show you the different PM schedules for that meter type, on that asset, as well as all of the history of the meter activity.



    You will be able to edit or delete the previous meter reading. Click the "pen and paper" icon to edit the meter reading or the "trashcan" icon to delete it.


    There are other options available in the Actions dropdown, which include:


    • AdjustBeginningMeter: Allows you to increase the Meter-to-date field but does not affect existing PM Schedules

    • AddNewReading: Simply another way to add a meter reading

    • ResetMeter: Resets the number used for tracking readings but does not affect the Meter-to-date field

    • RecalculateMeter-to-date: Uses the existing readings to determine the Meter-to-date field again, correcting any data errors.



    X3Preventive MaintenanceAsset ManagementData Import

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