My Account Setup Options

    There are several options available under the Setup menu.



    The options that are reviewed in this overview are ChangeYourSettings and UserAdministration.





    The Account Settings screen contains two sections. The top portion shows the information for the user and the bottom portion shows the areas of the system which the administrator can manage. When making changes in any section, be sure to save the settings before leaving that page.


    The top portion of the screen contains the account and contact information for the current user. You can change your account password, set a password expiration interval (default is 0; password is valid indefinitely) or make other updates to your contact information.




    The bottom section provides links to manage the way work orders and PM's are managed in your system.





    • GeneralSystemSettings – Allows you to set system wide formatting such as the date format, the currency symbol, turning on and off old-style lookups, system-wide user password expiration and turning on Edit In Place.
    • UserInterfaceSettings – Allows you to add, remove and rearrange the tabs.
    • GeneralWorkOrderSettings – Allows you to choose if closed work orders can be edited, if closed work orders can reopened by the administrator, which related tables will be included on the work order's printout and what the next work order number will be.
    • WorkOrderEmailSettings – Allows you to choose which contacts – Administrator, Perform For, Assign To, Request Notification Group – will be notified when work orders are opened or closed in your system. In the case of Request Notification Group, you can also set the Take Ownership Link which allows the user to assign and close a work order to himself through the email. Lastly, you can also choose the subject line for those emails.
    • PMEmailSettings – Allows you to activate automatic generation and emailing of the PM schedules in your system.
    • InventoryControlSettings – This module allows for multiple inventory locations to be used for purchasing in your system. You will be unable to modify this area unless you have the module installed. Inventory Control Settings also contains an option to charge parts directly to an asset instead of through the work order charge out process. When selected, this option will create a new link on the assets called 'Parts Charge.'
    • PurchasingandRequisitioning – This module allows for control of the requisitioning process for those eMaint clients who use it. These settings do not affect the purchasing process for clients who do not use requisitioning.
    • ConditionMonitoring – Gives you the ability to change some of the settings that apply to condition monitoring.
    • ExternalInterfaces – Lets you set information for separate interfaces, like Picasa.





    If you plan to have more than one user on your account, you will need to add the new user to the account then set the user rights for that user. Please contact the services team if users need to be added into the system.





    Click the pencil icon for the user you want to define permissions. You will be presented with the eMaint User Rights screen. This page allows you to edit the account properties of your user and adjust the permissions he/she has in the system.





    The top portion allows you to change the user's name, account ID, password, and password expiration time. The Work Request Only? option allows you to see if the user is a regular or request user. You can also copy this user's permission set to another standard user.


    The lower portion of the screen lists the permissions available for the user. Put checkmarks next to the menu options (left), security options (middle) and tab access (right) you want the user to access. Alternatively, you can click the Check or Uncheck links to select or unselect all options in that column. When finished, click the Save button located on the top portion of the page. Now, if you log in with that user's name and password, you will only see the tabs and menu options that you assigned to that user.




    X3System AdministrationSystem Overview

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