PM Schedule Setup: The Basics

    Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules allows you to set up routine procedures to keep your assets running smoothly.


    1 - OverviewofPMschedules


    The PM Scheduling tool is both powerful and flexible. It enables you to establish calendar-based and/or meter-based PM schedules to an asset. This means that in addition to a standard calendar-based or standard meter-based schedule, you can have a PM schedule that is simultaneously calendar based (such as every three months) and meter-based (every 3,000 miles), whichever occurrence happens first.


    Another flexible feature is the ability to indicate whether there are any days of the week that a PM Schedule should be skipped, so that, for example, if your shop is closed on Sundays, a daily PM can be suppressed from generating on Sundays.


    Once a PM Schedule is established, you also have the ability to select multiple procedures from your PM Task Listing to associate with a schedule and assign a sequence order to those tasks.


    The PM display and editing tools are located in the standard view of the Asset File Form, the detail record of an individual asset. All PMs that have been scheduled for an Asset will be listed under the PM section. If the PM section is blank on an asset record, it means you have not yet established a PM schedule for that asset.



    All PM's must have an asset on which the schedule needs to be performed for.


    To access an existing PM schedule on an asset for viewing, editing or deleting purposes, click the ‘GoTo’ link to the left of the scheduled activity displayed in the section. To access a PM schedule entry form and create a new PM schedule for an asset, click the 'Add' command located on the right corner of the PM Schedule section.


    Below you can see the PM form:


    The options available for the PM detail include:


    Edit – Opens the record in Edit mode for changing a PM task's information.


    Delete – Marks the record for deletion and removes it from the list view.


    Actions – Displays the different actions you can choose to perform.


    ManuallyGenerate – Generates the PM on demand, applying today’s date as the work date, instead of waiting for the next scheduled generation.


    Options – Options can include LearnMore, ChangeForm, CustomizeForm, and ManageRelatedTables.



    2 - Creating/AddingPMSchedulesforAssets


    Click the Addlink on the “PM Schedule” section (under Asset form) to add PMs to your asset. PMs can be “CalendarBased”, “MeterBased”, or both. The calendar and meter sections within the PM Schedule form are color coded to help differentiate them. As mentioned before, on a PM schedule that is simultaneously a calendar based (such as every three months) and a meter-based (every 3,000 miles), whichever occurrence happens first will trigger the PM, generate a work order, and then both schedules will begin the interval over again.



    • The frequency of the PM. (For example, if it is to be performed every six months, enter the number 6 in the ProduceEveryfield and click on Months in the CalendarBasedFreq field.)
    • Whether it is Static or Shadow (static is the default).
    • The Next PM date, that is, the date on which this PM should be generated as a new, open PM work order.



    • The Produce PM Every field. This is the number on the meter.
    • Occurs Desc. is the meter's value. Example: Miles, Hours, Units, etc.
    • Meter Type describes the meter as a value that is updated with each reading (Running) or is a value that is added to the last reading (Totals).
    • What the daily average is for the meter.
    • The Meter-to-Date.


    2.1 - ReviewofallfieldsareavailabletorecordinformationonthePMScheduleform:


    • WorkOrderTypeThe default setting for Work Order Type for a PM is ‘PM’, but you have the ability to change the Work Order Type of your PMs to differentiate the types of PMs you are performing. The Work Order Type field is also displayed in your Work Order Center. The values in the lookup for this field are managed from the Data Center on your main menu.
    • PMGroup The PM Group field is used for defining or assigning a group identifier to a PM task, in order to manage a group of PMs and adjust the schedule of PMs as a group, rather than adjusting the schedules individually. Define or assign the PM Group when establishing a new PM schedule for a piece of equipment.
    • ProduceEvery The calendar frequency of the PM (For example, if it is to be performed every six months, enter the number '6' in the ‘Produce Every’ field and select 'Months' from the Calendar Based Freq).
    • CalendarBasedFreq (Frequency) – Options are Days, Weeks, Months, or N/A (not applicable).
    • CalendarFreqType The options are Static or Shadow, with Static as the default setting. Static PMs are based on the ‘Next PM Date’ that is entered on the PM Schedule. The next PM will generate on the appropriate time interval indicated on the schedule, counting from the ‘Next PM Date’ recorded. Shadow PMs are based on the close out date of the previous PM Work Order that was generated from the schedule. The next PM will generate according to the time interval listed, counting from the date that the last PM work order for the schedule was closed.
    • OnCalendarSelect 'True' if you wish for this activity to be listed on the Maintenance Calendar, otherwise the default value is 'False'.
    • RouteSequence The Route Sequence associated with this PM if applicable. Enables you to specify a sequence for how a specific Route # will be carried out if there are multiple PM Schedules associated with a Route #.
    • Route # – The Route Number associated with this PM if applicable. Enables you to categorize and define your PM Schedules according to Route. You can then manage and generate your PMs according to Route #.
    • AssigntoTypePossible selections are Employee, Contractor, Customer, and Tenant, which correspond to the categories in the Maintenance Contacts section. Select the appropriate category first before populating the ‘Assign To’ field.
    • AssignTo The contact (Employee, Contractor etc) that will be assigned to this PM task when it becomes a work order. You can use the 'File' Icon to open the contact list and select an 'Assign To' Contact if you wish.
    • PerformForType Possible selections are Employee, Contractor, Customer, and Tenant, which correspond to the categories in the Maintenance Contacts section. Select the appropriate category first before populating the ‘Perform For’ field.
    • PerformForThe contact (Employee, Contractor etc) that this PM task is being performed for when it becomes a work order. This optional field is linked to the Maintenance Contacts file. You can use the 'File' Icon to open the contact list and select a ‘Perform For’ Contact if you wish.
    • NextPMDate The date on which this PM should be generated as a new, open PM work order.
    • LastPMWorkOrderDate An auto-populated field displaying the last date on which this PM was generated.
    • LastPMWorkOrderNo An auto-populated field displaying the last Work Order Number associated with this PM.
    • ProducePMEveryThe meter-based frequency of the PM (for example, if it is to be performed every 1000 hours, enter the number '1000' in the Produce Every field and select 'Hours' from the 'Occurs Desc.').
    • OccursDesc Description of the type of Meter being monitored. Selections include Hours, Miles, Minutes, Kilometers, MISC.
    • MeterTypeOptions are 'Running', 'Totals', and N/A (not applicable). The meter that is being tracked on an Asset is considered either a ‘Running’ meter (such as an odometer in a car) or a ‘Totals’ meter (such as the total units produced on a line for a 24-hour period).
    • DailyAverage Meter PMs will use the daily average value to provide an estimate of when future PMs are projected to occur on the Maintenance Calendar.
    • LastMeterReadingEntryAn auto-populated field displaying the last meter reading taken for this PM
    • LastMeterReadingDateAn auto-populated field displaying the date when the Last Meter Reading was taken.
    • LastPMProducedAt An auto-populated field displaying what the meter reading was the last time the PM was generated.
    • SkipDaysSection You may select to skip any Day of the week by setting the Day you wish to skip to 'True'. The default value of each day is 'False', indicating that the PM will run on that particular day.
    • BriefDescription You may record a brief description of the PM if you wish.
    • DetailedText You may record as much detailed text to describe the PM if you wish. However, you also have the option to associated multiple PM procedures or tasks to the PM schedule and leave this detailed text blank.
    • When you have completed your entry you can select 'Save New Record' or 'Cancel Changes'. Once a PM Schedule has been saved, you then have the capability to assign the PM Procedures to that schedule. The PM Procedures section is listed at the bottom of the saved PM Schedule.


    3 - EditingPMs


    The form for editing PMs can only be accessed from an asset's detail view. From the PM Schedule table on the asset, click the GoTo link on the PM's line to display the PM's detail view. On that screen, click the Edit link in the menu bar. The PM will open in edit mode in the existing window.


    Click SaveChangesto save the changes or CancelChanges to discard them. The form will return to the detail view of the asset.


    3.1 - EditingInPlace


    If EditInPlace is enabled, you can make changes to most fields without the need for entering edit mode. On the asset detail, click on the PM Schedule's GoTo link to access the PM Schedule's detail form. Place your mouse cursor over the field you wish to edit. If the field is able to be edited, the cursor will change to a . Double-click your left mouse button and the field will open in edit mode. Make your changes then click the save icon to save your changes or click the cancel icon to return without saving.


    If a field cannot be edited with Edit In Place, the cursor will change to a no symbol . If editable, these fields require you to enter Edit mode to make any adjustments.


    4 - DeletingPMs


    Deleting records is a two step process. The first step is to mark the PM for deletion by clicking the Goto link of the PM and then clickDelete on the PM form. This highlights the record in red on the list view when you return to the asset detail. At this point, you can still un-delete the record by clicking the Undelete link.





    The second step of the deletion process is to completely remove the record from the system. Go to the Remove Deleted Records link located in the Administration menu. This list displays the various tables that can hold records marked for deletion. Click the magnifying glass icon to preview items that will be deleted. Click the trash can icon to remove all the records for that section.


    NOTE:TheRemoveDeletedItemsoptionpermanentlyremovesrecords. Thereisnowaytobringthemback. Usethisfeatureatyourownrisk.


    5 - ManualGeneration


    This feature allows you to bypass the assigned schedule for the PM and generate the PM on demand. It will also reset the time/meter to the next PM. For example, if your monthly PM is 2 weeks into its scheduled generation date and you manually generate it, the PM will reset and be generated in one month.


    To manually generate a PM schedule, hover over the “Actions” button on the PM form and click on “Manually Generate”.


    NOTE: Thereisnoconfirmationformanualgeneration. Clickingthe 'ManuallyGenerate' buttonwillimmediatelyturnthePMintoaworkorderanddisplaytheworkorder.


    6 - CopyPMSchedule


    The Copy PM Schedule feature allows you to copy the existing PM Schedule to other assets in your system.




    7 - PMRelatedTables

    7.1 - PMParts


    The PM parts table displays any parts required to perform the maintenance.



    Any items listed here will be placed on the work order's HTML printout and the close out screen under the Selectpartschargestoissue section (not shown if no items exist).


    To add a PM Part, click the Addlink on the right side of the table.



    The fields to enter here:

    • Enter a Category for the part. Choose from Lubricant, Spare or Replacement. Additional categories can be selected by editing the field's lookup properties.
    • Use the lookup to display your Parts list. Choose the part by clicking the Select link on the left side of the part. The Item and Descripfields will automatically populate with your selected parts information.
    • If you have the Multiple Inventory Module enabled on your account, select the location of the part in the drop-down list. If the Multiple Inventory Module is not installed on your account, only Main will be available on the drop-down list.
    • Enter the number of items you want to automatically issue to the work order and the recommended quantity in the AutoIssueQty and the RecommendedQty fields.
    • If the part being issued is a measurable item, enter the unit of measure in Unitms.


    Click SaveNewRecordto save the part to the PM, or click CancelChanges orGoBack to return to the PM without saving.


    7.2 - PMProcedures


    “PM Procedures” are linked with the “PM Task Procedures” of a specific Task (from Task Library). When using the PM Procedures table, these procedures will be generated with the PM and be placed in the Work Order's Procedures table.


    You can also add procedures manually on the PM schedule screen. However, building a task library first will save you a lot of time. If you wish to add a PM Procedure directly to the PM screen, click the Add link on the right side of the PM Procedure table,



    The fields to enter are:

    • If there is more than one procedure, enter this procedure's number sequence here.
    • Use the file lookup on TaskDescription to open the PM Task list. Choose a task by clicking the Select link on the left of the task.TaskDescription and TaskDetails will automatically populate with the PM Tasks information.
    • You can link to a local file, web address or email by entering the value in WebLink. The File button will open the window to help you choose a file on your machine or local network.
    • Enter the time the procedure should take in the StandardTimefield.


    Click SaveNewRecord to save the procedure to the PM, or click CancelChanges or GoBack to return to the PM without saving.





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