Receiving from the Navigation Tab

    On the Navigation tab, there is a link in the Purchase Center called POReceipts. Clicking this link will open the screen shown below. Active purchase orders can also be received using this menu choice.



    All open purchase orders will be listed in the PONo. drop-down list. Select the PO to be received. The Rec'd. Date defaults to the current date but can be edited either here or on the individual items. Enter a packing slip to identify the shipping or tracking number, if necessary. Press the Continue button to view all line items that are open for the selected purchase order.


    TheRec'dQty will default to the QtyOrdered amount and the status of the order will default to KeepOpen.





    To receive the full quantity of the first part listed for the PO, change KeepOpen to Close(below the quantity received), and click Process. This item is now received. Continue this process on all the open items listed for this PO, processing each one separately, until completed. Now this PO will no longer be available to select for receiving from the PO Receipts menu.




    To receive a partial quantity on the line item listed, change the Rec'dQty. to the correct amount for this transaction. Select KeepOpen to allow another receipt against the PO line item at a later date. Click Process. When the remainder of the order arrives, the PO number will be available from the PO Receipts screen and the rest of the order can be closed out at that time.




    To cancel a purchase order, enter a received quantity of '0' (zero), change 'Keep Open' to Closeand click Process. After processing your PO and receiving (or partially receiving or canceling) all the items on the purchase, you have two options in the upper right corner of the screen. Selecting NewPOReceipt will take you to the screen to select another PO for receiving. Selecting ReturntoMainMenu will take you back to the main menu.




    There are two major differences between receiving via the PO and receiving via the main menu:

    1. The ability to distribute the additional cost associated with a PO.
    2. The ability to process multiple items at once with Auto Fill instead of individually via Process.


    The method you choose depends upon your preference. Both methods will enter the items into your Parts File for use at a later time.





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