Mass Changes, Data Export, and Joining Tables

    Within X4, users have the ability to update records in bulk on any table they have access and permissions to within eMaint. An example of using this option would be to fill in the Job Status field on work orders that have the Job status field equal to a blank value. Below are the steps on how to use this feature.


    1. Select all the records in the list view of a table that you want to mass change the value.



    1. On the Actions dropdown on the list view, select “Mass Change Values”.



    1. Select the field that you want to mass update for all highlight records. Choose the Action that should be completed. If it is a character field, Set to will be the only option available to update the field with the value entered into the “Enter value” section. If you are using a date field, an additional option for “Adjust +/-” will appear that will let you add or subtract either Days, Weeks, or Months from the highlighted record for the chosen field. The “Add” button in the bottom left hand corner allows an additional field to be mass changed.



    1. After the values have been selected, click the Process button to complete the mass change of records.



    From the list view of any table within eMaint, there is an Actions option called “Data Export”. This feature allows the user to export data from a table based on the columns that are displayed on the list view. Below are the steps to using this feature.


    1. On the Actions dropdown for the table that needs to be exported, select “Data Export”


    1. On the Data Export Screen, there are two sections that need to be filled out to obtain information.


    • File Type - Users have the option to export the data in three different formats. They can choose to export in PDF, Excel, or HTML.


    • Items to Export - When exporting the data, the data that can be exported can be based on all records for the table, the current selected records that are checked in the list view, or all the records that are on the currently viewed page.


    3. After selecting the File Type and Items to Export, click “Export” on the bottom right hand corner to obtain the data.


    One of the big enhancements to X4 is the ability to join different tables to the list view. This gives the user the ability to add information to the list view that was only available to be seen through an import. An example of using this is joining the Charges table to the Work Orders table to view the total cost of all characters for a work order in the list view. Another example is making a join to the Assets table to extract additional information that is not present on the work order.


    1. On the list view for a table, select the “Manage Table Relations” icon on the top right hand corner of the screen.


    1. On the left hand side of the screen, choose the table that you would like to add a join to by clicking the “+” icon. More than one table is allowed to be joined at a same time. Once the tables have been chosen, click “Apply Changes” to save the changes.


    NOTE: After the changes have been applied, nothing will change from what is currently seen unless there was a specific join such as an inner join on the Charges table which would only allow records with charges on them to appear on the list view.


    1. To add the fields for the joined tables, click the “Manage Table Columns” button in the menu bar.


    1. From the manage table screen, the left hand side of the screen named “Available Columns” allows the user to see the available columns that can be added to the list view. To find the fields to add to the list view, there is a search box that can be used as well as a dropdown that allows you to choose which table to find data. The “Selected Columns” on the right displays the fields that will appear on the list view after the changes have been applied.




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