Parts List and Detail View

    The Parts tab contains all the information that pertains to your inventory. Clicking the tab for the first time will open the Parts listing page. The list view contains the fields from the parts table that are most helpful in sorting and locating parts based on your industry.



    NOTE: ThefieldsdisplayedcanbechangedusingtheManageTableColumnsbuttonlocatedontheactionbarinthetoprighthandcorner.




    The list may be sorted by any of the column headers. Clicking a column header will sort the parts in order based on that field. The first click on the header field will sort the parts in ascending order. Clicking on the arrow will sort the parts in descending order and change the graphic to an arrow pointing down.



    Lists can be filtered by entering data into the textbox fields under the header. Click Enteron your keyboard to set the filters you have entered. Also, if you click outside the filter (after entering a value) the system will automatically refresh the list. The sort and filters are saved and used the next time the list is opened based on your user login. For example, if you just want to view parts that begin with the word Jet, type Jet in the description filter, and click Enter. Once a filter or group of filters is applied, the list will redisplay based on that criteria and will indicate in the bottom right corner the number of records that matched the filter criteria. Filters are not case sensitive.


    To remove all filters, click the ManageFilter button and then click RemoveSelectedFilter to view all the parts.




    The detail view of the part is accessible from the list view by clicking on the ItemNo. The detail view contains all the information for one part and gives you total control of it. You have the ability to add, edit, delete, view history, make adjustments, manage suppliers, purchase parts, and make a key change to the record.



    The top menu bar controls these functions:

    • Add – Opens a blank form for adding a new part.

    • DownArrow (Copy/Add) – Copies the current record into a blank form.

    • Edit – Opens the displayed part in edit mode.

    • Delete – Marks the current part for deletion.

    • NextandPrevious – Move to another part based on the Item Number or selected filter.

    • EnterID – Move to another part by inputting the Item number here (this section is case sensitive)

    • Actions - Adjustment, Key Change, Purchase, Recalculate, Barcode Labels, Print, Create Kit, Break Kit.




    Within the Related Tables Tab, there are three tables by default that display. The first table is PartHistory that displays the parts entire transaction history starting from the beginning balance when the part was created within eMaint. The ItemSuppliers table to store all Suppliers attached to the part when purchasing new inventory. RelatedAssetsshows the Assets that typically use this part when charging work on a work order.





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