The update contains the following enhancements:
SystemDashboardWidgets - System widgets “Embedded HTML,” “RSS Feed” and “WebNote” are now available to be added to dashboards.
Add/EditWidgets - Adding and editing of dashboard widgets has been enhanced to display as a pop-up window with all the available widget options.
PieChart/AngularGauge - Within graph options in eMaint X4 reporting, the ability to choose “Pie Chart” as a graph type is now available. In addition, a second instrument type “Angular Gauge” is now available.
LaborChargeDefaultNameandCategory - The admin setting “Default Name and Category to Assign to on New Labor Charges” is now respected and will auto populate as expected if enabled.
DocStorageImagesPrinting - Images added to forms through document storage will now display as shown when the record is printed.
DrillDownEnhancements - Updates to Drill Down Lookups have been made to improve performance and appearance in eMaint X4.
FieldMappingtoCheckBox - A bug was fixed allowing values in checkbox fields to be mapped over successfully when using a List Lookup.
Viewing/EditingCalculatedFields - Users with appropriate permissions now have the ability to view and edit existing calculated fields within eMaint X4 reporting.
ResizeLookupWindow - When a pop-up window opens for a list lookup, users will now have the ability to drag and resize the window.
PayRateInformationSetting - The admin setting “Pay Rate Information Available in Labor Charge Panel” is now respected in eMaint X4.
MeterBasedPMSectiononCloseOut - Work orders created against an asset that contains a meter-based PM will now always display the meter-based PM fields on the closeout screen, regardless of the type of work order.
AdjustmentTypeOrder - The “Adjustment Type Order” that is specified within the Inventory Control Settings is now respected in eMaint X4.
ConfigureWOHeader/Footer - The option to access and configure the header and footer of the work order print-out is now available within the PM settings in eMaint X4.
Copy/AddPODetailLines - The eMaint X3 feature enabling users to perform a copy/add including the detail lines on a purchase order is now available within eMaint X4.
eMaintX4-OnlyUserPermission - Individual user setting to force eMaint X4-only usage is now respected within the User Administration page.
ItemsPerPage - The default number of records per page has been adjusted to 50 instead of 20. In addition, this value will not reset when clearing a filter if it is changed.
PurchaseWOCharge - Charges created from purchase order receipts will now display correctly using the parts charge form.
UpdateAssetRelatedPartList - When saving a part charge, eMaint X4 will now remember the last state of the “Update Asset Related Parts List” field and remain checked or unchecked until changed.
POEmailAction - Purchase order “Email” action is now implemented within eMaint X4. The action is available from both the list view and from the detail view of a record.
If you have questions, please contact our Customer Support team at (239) 494-8928 ext. 2 or send an email to