Monitor Points

    This feature is not available for customers at the "Team" account level. For more information on eMaint CMMS plans (account levels), you can contact your Customer Success Manager or email This information is also available at

    A monitor point represents a single reading that would be used to predict an asset’s failure before it occurs. When setting up a monitor point, the following data may be entered.


    Monitor points will allow you choose the different types of points you need to measure depending on the monitor class that you select.


    • MonitorClass - Choose the monitor class associated with this monitor point.

    • MonitorPoint - Create the name of the monitor point.

    • Units - The measurement format for the monitor point. Ex: Celsius or Fahrenheit for temperature.

    • DisplayOrder - The order in which the monitor point will be displayed when entering monitoring readings for the chosen class.

    • ImportMap - The monitor points within a monitor class will read from columns in the CSV file from left to right in this order when importing readings.

    • Cformat - The format that the monitor point comes out as. “XX” means 2 digits.

    • Lreadonly - Allows the field to be read-only when entering monitor readings.

    • ExportLabel - The exported condition monitoring file will label this monitor point with this value. Must be 10 characters or less with no spaces or special characters. (examples: !@#$%)

    • LowerBound - The lowest acceptable value for a reading to not trigger an exception.

    • Lowerboundtext - The text that appears when a reading below the lower bound value is recorded.

    • Lowerboundcolor - The background color that appears when triggering a lower bound exception(s).

    • Lowerboundtrigger - Enables or disables the monitoring of the lower bound information for this monitor point.

    • Upperbound - The highest acceptable value for a reading to not trigger an exception.

    • Upperboundtext - The text that appears when a reading above the upper bound value is recorded.

    • Upperboundcolor - The background color that appears when triggering an upper bound exceptions.

    • Lowerboundtrigger - Enables or disables the monitoring of the upper bound information for this monitor point.

    • DefaultValues - The default value that appears in the point when entering readings.

    • DropdownValues - Allows a list of values to be chosen from a dropdown lookup when entering readings. Each value must be separated by a comma. Example: True,False

    • FieldType - The type of values this monitor point will hold. C = Character, M = Multi-line Text, D = Date, N = Numeric.

    • RelatedKey - Holds the unique ID of the field’s data dictionary record that you would like to update on a reading outside of the desired threshold.

    • RelatedKeyFailValue - Value you would like stored in the related field when an exception occurs.

    • RelatedKeyPassValue - Value you would like stored in the related field when no exceptions occur.

    • RelatedKeyFailMessage - Messaging you would like displayed to the user immediately upon entering a reading which would cause an exception.

    • LowerValueFormula - This field can handle the calculation of expressions and may reference values saved on the asset record. If it is filled in, it will override the value in the lower bound field above.

    • UpperValueFormula - This field can handle the calculation of expressions and may reference values saved on the asset record. If it is filled in, it will override the value in the upper bound field above.

    • GridWidth - This field can be used to define the width of the monitor point’s column in the add reading screen. If this value is left at 0, the width will be 90 pixels.




    X4Condition Monitoring

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