

    The "Sites" feature in X5 allows you to manage different sites within a single Dataset. You will be able to create multiple sites and have different data for each one of them. In addition to that, administrators can manage which users have access to these sites (e.g. you can lock a user to only see data from the Florida site, while you can have anther user see all North America Sites)


    This feature will also make reporting a lot easier. You will only need to setup your reports and dashboards once, then, when looking at a dashboard, you will be able to switch sites to view their data.


    When accessing the sites feature, you will be able to create "Groups" and "Sites". Groups may be different for different companies. While one company may setup their their "Buildings" as their Groups, and the Departments as their "Sites", another company may setup "Continents" as their Groups, with subgroups for "States" and specific "Cities" as their Sites.


    To view your list of sites, click on the current site displaying at the top right of the screen and the menu will be displayed on the right side of the screen.



    Note: - Most Entities (Assets, Contacts, Work Orders, etc) are site specific, but some Entities may share data among all sites. By default, the only entity that shares its data is the "Task Library".


    Your sites should be defined and setup before any data gets created and/or imported into your account. To view, create or modify your sites, you will first need to:

    • A and B - Click on your user icon, then on Account Settings.
    • C - Click on Sites.


    1.1 - Creating Groups


    Once on the sites screen, follow the steps below if you with to create a "Group":

    • A - Click the plus button next to a Group or a Subgroup (For this example click the plus nect to "All"). Note that all groups and subgroups will display a blue plus icon next to them so that sites and/or more subgroups can be created within. Also, note that "all" is the main group for all groups and sites.
    • B - Select "Group" as the type.
    • C - Write a unique system name for your site (3 to 10 characters; lowercase letters or numbers; no spaces)
    • D - Give it a Label name. This is the value that displays for the end user.
    • E - Click the "Save" button.



    1.2 - Creating Sites


    Still on the sites screen, follow the steps below if you wish to create a "Site":

    • A - For this example, click the plus button next to the group that you created in the last exercise (e.g. South America)
    • B - Select "Site" as the type.
    • C - Write a unique system name for your site (3 to 10 characters; lowercase letters or numbers; no spaces).
    • D - Give it a Label name (e.g. Rio de Janeiro)
    • E and F - Select the time zone and currency that corresponds to that site.
    • G - Type in the physical address for this site.
    • H - Click the "Save" button.



    X5System Administration

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