
    You can personalize the Home tab by either using the HTML editor or by entering your own HTML code. It is recommended you use the Edit Content link on the Quick Bar of the Home tab. However, you can also access it by clicking the Customize My Own Page link on the Navigation screen. ...
    The Data Dictionary is the central table in the system where display options and configurations are stored. This dictionary is fundamental to the workings of the entire system. We urge you to use extreme caution if you must work in this area. If you are not sure about changing a particular field in the data dictionary, DO NOT change it....
    Document Storage is the new File hosting eMaint feature that is fully integrated within the application. The Documents tab gives you access to the Document Manager, where you will have an explorer-type view of all files. You can also create multiple levels of folders, where you can store different types of files (images, excel, powerpoint, word, etc). ...
    Data Import Tool The Data Import tool allows you to use data from a spreadsheet to automatically create records in the system. You can also use this tool to make mass updates to existing records. This can save you hours of data entry time. eMaint Data Import Template The process of...
    Please Note: While this document details how to delete records from your system it is recommended that you be sure you want to follow through with the record deletion process. If you have any questions about this process please contact the support team before deleting any records. There are a couple of things to consider prior to deleting records. ...
    As you’ve already experienced, X3’s forms are highly customizable. While it may suffice to put certain fields on one of your forms, sometimes it may be necessary to simply have another form for that table. A common example would be for your contact records. One form for your average contacts and a second form specifically for your employees. ...
    The Workflow is now set. Test it by placing a 7 in the Days to Complete field on the PM form, then click Manually Generate. The PM will be generated and the Sched. Date field will be populated with a date 7 days from today's date. Notes: 1 - Click the Update button to...
    Did you know you can customize the header and footer of the work order’s HTML print out? This feature allows you to add images, signature lines, even small spreadsheets to appear on all your printed work orders. Requirements: Administrator login: These instructions require you to enter the PM Settings page which is an administrator...
    The Workflow Manager allows you to configure your system to react to certain events. A workflow operates like cause and effect. For example, you create a rule that when a user marks the 'Work Order Type' as “Emergency” and saves the form (cause), the system reacts by changing the 'Assign To' field to a specific contact (effect). ...
    System Administration is the process of setting up and maintaining the system for the benefit of the users. Most of the system settings can be found in various places for your convenience, however the Administration section of the Navigation tab contains all of...
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