3.9.0 | 11-Apr-19 | WOM 3.7.2 / Alarms 3.2.2 / Platform 3.4.0 / Container / Inventory 1.6.1 New functionality: - CWOM-493 Tasks with the long description will show a hint text before sync is complete [S,C]
- CES-193 Users will not be forced to log out after DB reload is complete [S]
Bug fixes: - CWOM-251 URL attachments should be accessible from Mobile app [S,C]
- CWOM-496 Child WOs with 'inherit status' option unchecked should remain in the list after completing the parent WO [S,C]
Tested on devices: - iPad Pro - iOS 12.3
- iPad - iOS 11.4
- Samsung S7 - Android 7.0
- Samsung Note 8 - Android 8.0.0
- Windows PC Client - Windows 10 Pro
3.8.2 | 5-Apr-19 | Alarms 3.2.1 / WOM 3.7.1 / Platform 3.3.1 / Container Improvements: - CA-54 New Certificate for iOS push service [C,O]
- CWOM-499 Highlight WO with running timer with light green color [C]
3.8.1 | 25-Mar-19 | Container / Platform 3.3.1 / WOM 3.7.0 / Alarms 3.2.0 / Inventory 1.6.0 New functionality: - Fluke Theming: updated style and look across application
Bug fixes and improvements |
3.8.0 | 21-Mar-19 | Container New functionality: - Fluke Theming: updated style and look across application
Platform 3.3.1 Bug fixes and improvements WOM 3.7.0 Bug fixes and improvements |
3.7.0 | 14-Feb-19 | Platform 3.3.0 New functionality: - CES-20 CO2 Server should be publishing to standalone MQTT broker [S]
- CES-21 Mobile client should be able to subscribe to standalone MQTT broker [C]
- CES-58 Support for V3 SystemDB user Authentication [S,C,O]
Alarms 3.1.1 New functionality: - CA-1 Control Panel [S,C,O]
- CA-6 Location Maps [S,C,O]
Container Improvements: - CMOBC-66 Support for FCM. (Requires manual changes of URL for existing V2 installations) [C,O]
- CMOBC-67 Support WIFI push notifications on Win and Android platforms [C,O, S]
3.6.0 | 4-Feb-19 | Platform 3.2.0 New functionality: - CES-25 Support for Custom Fields [S,C]
- CES-157 Basic authentication for Maximo publish channels [S]
- CES-44 Server side pagination [S,C]
3.5.0 | 21-Dec-18 | SAP WOM 0.1 Initial release: - CSAPC-16 Support SAP assets in WOM [S,C]
- CSAPC-9 Support SAP locations in WOM [S,C]
- CSAPC-23 Support work orders creation in SAP [S,C]
- CSAPC-26 Load wo priorities [S,C]
- CSAPC-25 Load wo types [S,C]
- CSAPC-24 Load control keys [S,C]
- CSAPC-51 Load SAP work groups [S,C]
- CSAPC-48 Follow up Work Order [S,C]
- CSAPC-56 Support Responsible Person in SAP [S,C]
- CSAPC-43 Reassign WO [S,C]
- CSAPC-46 Accept Work Order [S,C]
- CSAPC-47 Complete Work Order [S,C]
- CSAPC-34 Support Tasks in SAP [S,C]
- CSAPC-35 Support WO edit in SAP [S,C]
- CSAPC-41 Support WO Log in SAP [S,C]
- CSAPC-42 Support WO Header Assignments [S,C]
- CSAPC-7 WO Subscription service [S]
- CSAPC-8 WOM services Transport file package [S]
3.4.0 | 20-Dec-18 | WOM 3.4.0 New functionality: - CWOM-46 Add functionality for Planned and Booked Material for a Task [S,C]
- CWOM-42 Add functionality for Planned and Booked Labor for a Task [S,C]
- CWOM-38 Tasks should appear as Checklist if at least one Task is in status INPRG [S,C]
Platform 3.1.0 Bug fix: - CES-148 Fix Offset time zone for Maximo Users [S]
3.3.3 | 8-Nov-18 | - EX7-10935 Calibration - As Left errors are shown against As Found results [S,C]
- EX7-10979 Calibration - Does not work with different Locale settings [C]
- EX7-10980 Calibration: Green label color and missing error when status is FAIL [S]
- EX7-10981 Calibration - Discrete 'Input is not a valid number' error [S,C]
- EX7-10994 Calibration - Discrete status should follow same rule as Analog [C]
- EX7-11150 The date/time does not get recorded correctly when a user is working offline and changes Status [S,M]
- EX7-10953 PM attachment does not come through to the handheld [S,C]
- EX7-10952 Times getting populated in EST no matter what the time zone is on the iPad or in the Maximo time zone [S]
- EX7-11113 Error when booking the material with the Temp WO ID [S,C]
- EX7-11479 Work orders that go straight to closed not deleted from CouchDB or client [S]
- EX7-10452 Asset Details screen to show Serial # [S,C]
| | 18-Oct-18 | - EX7-7018 An alternative entry screen for Meter reading where multiple meters are entered on the same screen [S,C,M]
3.3.2 | 1-Oct-18 | - EX7-11291 Add support for PM attachments [S,C,M]
- EX7-11259 Support mandatory Check List tasks validated on WO Complete [S,C,M]
- EX7-11258 Configuration option for Create New Work Order default Work Type [S,C]
- EX7-11257 Support for Maximo Secure Attachments [S,C]
- EX7-11140 Multi-languages feature switchable per database [S,C]
- EX7-10640 MMS to Webfactory feedback to indicate in SCADA who acknowledged the alarm [S]
- EX7-9919 Support for OPC UA [S]
| | 9-Jul-18 | - EX7-11061 Book labour time does not stop after one minute while clicking on clock icon on book labour page [C,S]
- EX7-10996 Add Android client support for X4 integration [S,C]
3.3 | 25-Jun-18 | - EX7-7270 Add multiple organization support to AMR [S]
- EX7-7032 Add support for alarms [S,C]
- EX7-7125 Add support for calibration – Please see calibration section at the end of this document [S,C,M]
- EX7-9592 Site admins can no longer change users login type [S]
- EX7-9646 V3 integration with System Manager sites table [S]
- EX7-7324 Language are to be configured per site [S].
| | 17-May-18 | - EX7-10474 Resolved issue when restarting System Manager Service on a mirror server changes the IP on System Server [S]
- EX7-10447 Ensure usernames are trimmed [S]
- EX7- 10446 Add support for Maximo authentication tokens [S]
| | 1-May-18 | - EX7-10315 WO Attachments created when WAPPR are not displayed on mobile [C,M,S]
- EX7-10361 Now handles TYPE not being setup for failure codes [C]
- EX7-10279 No longer using SA-CRD-SCHAD credentials to make updates to Maximo when the users credentials are available [C,M,S]
- EX7-9833 DOCLINKS objects are now nested into their parents [S]
| | 13-Apr-18 | - EX7-10277 Now handles errors caused by misconfigured document server by allowing the event to be discarded [C,S]
- EX7-10275 Persons without labor are no longer coming through on publish channels [S]
- EX7-10235 Measure points publish channel updates no longer sometimes causes a reload of assets / locations [S]
- EX7-10234 Resolved issue with Downtime not showing on a WO [S]
- EX7-7279 User sees too many folders on the attachments page [S,M]
| | 29-Mar-18 | - EX7-10200 Child work orders that are on route are now displayed [C,S]
- EX7-10195 Mismatches in client and server date can now be handled with a tolerance setting [S]
- EX7-10194 Work order tasks now re-assign correctly [S]
| | 23-Mar-18 | - EX7-10191 Booking labour when Maximo server is in a time zone behind the client time zone now posts correct day [S]
- EX7-10190 On create work order selection of work groups is now optional [C]
| | 21-Mar-18 | - EX7-10172 Maximo username login check should be case insensitive [S]
3.2.1 | 6-Mar-18 | - EX7-9773 In system Manager UI user is no longer uneditable when a site is deleted [S]
- EX7-9763 METER is now a separate CouchDB/PouchDB database [S,M]
- EX7-9750 Perf: Preventing creation of objects on related object change [S]
- EX7-9744 Perf: Re-read work orders when an offline postings fails [S]
- EX7-9734 3.1.3 updates merged into 3.2.1 [S,C,M]
- EX7-9727 Perf: Validate work orders on individual reload or publish channel message [S,C,M]
- EX7-9723 Error code inconsistency resolved [S]
- EX7-9716 Installer now uses correct encoding [S]
- EX7-9699 Can now save option "User/Device Edit" ticked for System administrator [S]
- EX7-9661 Duration is now displayed correctly [C]
- EX7-9660 System Manager new automatic user should be added as unlocked [S]
- EX7-9657 Checklist configuration now supports translation [C]
- EX7-9648 Use application authorisations [S,C]
- EX7-9634 All WOList is no longer empty in Assignments mode [C]
- EX7-9625 Required field PERSONID is empty in publish channel [S,M]
- EX7-9616 Prevent duplicate entries in the WO List [C]
- EX7-9589 WO List now has colour bar when Use Assignment is false [C]
- EX7-7430 Vendors from other ORGIDs no longer be loaded to Couch [S]
- EX7-7411 Pressing Search before WO List display no longer corrupts breadcrumb [C]
- EX7-7298 BookLabor timer is now stopped on CompleteAssignment + CompleteWO [C]
- EX7-7166 Support for Asian character sets [S,C]
- EX7-7164 Client Language Support Korean [C]
- EX7-7163 Client Language Support Chinese [C]
- EX7-7162 Client Language Support Malay [C]
- EX7-7161 Client Language Support Thai [C]
- EX7-7160 Client Language Support Spanish [C]
- EX7-7159 Client Language Support Portuguese [C]
- EX7-7098 CouchDB initialisation, reload and recovery [S]
- EX7-7054 Automatic Device Authorisation [S]
- EX7-6504 Support for Asset Downtime [S,C]
3.1.3 | 13-Feb-18 | - Perf: EX7-9812 WO_PC_WORKORDER publish channel now skips work orders waiting approval [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9811 Update to failurecode no longer leads to reload of whole failurelist [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9805 Default setting for compaction period to be loaded from CouchDB [S,C,M]
- EX7-9803 Changes to the status wording on the events queue page[C]
- EX7-9802 Resolve issues when MaxPerson value != Laborcode value[S]
- Perf: EX7-9800 “Loading….” no longer occasionally displays for 60secs when switching between screens[S]
- EX7-9798 Added a screen to display the PouchDB storage used by client [C]
- Perf: EX7-9795 Update of meter should not lead to reload of all assets and work orders in CouchDB [S,M]
- EX7-9771 User no longer sees empty WO list [S]
- EX7-9770 Urgent repair button and remove timer buttons removed [C]
- Perf: EX7-9769 Bulk updates on a client DB after changes query [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9768 Enable STATUS to WO_PC_WORKORDER [M]
- EX7-9765 Resolved cannot reload DB - error on WOPERSONGROUP [S]
- EX7-9764 WO Priority not working properly [S]
- Perf: EX7-9762 Stop publish channels updating task asset and location descriptions [S,M]
- EX7-9749/EX7-9716 Installer was using wrong encoding [S]
- EX7-9747 Duration is now displayed correctly [C]
- EX7-9743 Rotate device and camera issue resolved [C]
- Perf: EX7-9742 Book Labor was unresponsive when offline [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9741 Index rebuild on closing a work order no longer occurs [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9740 Delay to load WO's to mobile resolved [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9738 Mobile device is no longer slow when connected to WiFi [S,M]
- EX7-9736 Book Labor Enter Hours error resolved [S,M]
- EX7-9732 Work orders are to be filtered by LABOR [S]
- EX7-9731/7412 Book Labor Other Person must have labor code for org [S,M]
- EX7-9730 Now uses LABORCODE instead of Maximo Person in Book Labor [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9729 Exclude all non-persistent fields in WO_PC_DOCLINKS [M]
- Perf: EX7-9728 Bulk changes of WO to CLOSE/WAPPR no longer causes devices to run slowly [S,M]
- Perf: EX7-9726 Add publish channel rule on closed work orders [M]
3.2 | 16-Jan-18 | - EX7-9574 Warn container users about incompatibility with server [S,C]
- EX7 9605 A password is now required when setting WO to COMP and when completing an assignment [S,C]
- EX79606 Add an idle timeout is now implemented in both online and offline [S,C]
- EX7-7241 'Use Assignment' configuration is now configurable by Site [S]
- EX7-7245 The default check list buttons are now configurable [S,C]
- EX7-7299 Auto create AssetLink user when using Maximo authentication [S]
- EX7-7320 Additional login validation [S,C]
- EX7-7399 Optional encryption of client DB [S,C]
- EX7-3517 On book material page the manufacturer/vendor should be shown [S,C,M]
- EX7-7050 Add work groups [S,C]
- EX7-7056 It is now possible to search PCR entries [S,C]
- EX7-7059 The statuses used to select work orders shown in the work order list are now configurable [S,C]
- EX7-9588 The WO-Group is now shown on work order details screen if it exists [S,C]
- EX7-9613 Minor terminology changes for labor/person in WO details [C]
- EX7-9614 Minor terminology changes to Book Labor screen [C]
- EX7-7300 Use LABORCODE instead of Maximo Person in Book Labor [S,C]
3.1.2 | 11-Dec-17 | - EX7-9599 Add an idle timeout to the client to work in both online and offline [S,C]
3.1.1 | 8-Dec-17 | - EX7-9594 If Maximo user is disabled then all further request from the client device for that user should be refused
- EX7-9597 Password is required when setting WO to COMP
3.1 | 8-Nov-17 | - 7274 Authentication of user based on Maximo credentials [S,C,M]
- 7261 UUID no longer changes after using “Clear local data” [C]
- 7228 Single Tomcat and Couch for Inventory and WOM [S]
- 7123 Import users from Maximo [S,C,M]
- 7094 Maximo multi language support [S,C,M]
- 7075 Application logging [S]
- 7074 System manager logging [S]
- 7028 Support for multi-site Maximo configurations [S,C,M]
- 7017 Fallback mode added to be used with searches on large datasets [S,C]
- 6748 Added button to send client logs to server [C]
3.0 | 31-Aug-17 | |