Cultures & Currencies


    In the Cultures section you will find the currently supported languages in your account. You can select them based on your sites and the languages that are spoken in them. The languages that you select here will be available for selection when you are defining the preferences for your users.


    These selected languages will also be available for you to make auto (or manual) translations when managing most System Admin features, which will ultimately allow users to see their account in their own language.



    • When you create a new field on a form, you will be able to click a "Translate All" button to translate that field label into all of the selected languages in your account.
    • When you create a new option for a dropdown list (e.g. Job Status, Problem Type, WO Type, etc), you will be able to translate that option into those languages.
    • When you create new Reports and Dashboards, you will be able to translate their titles into those languages.




    In the Currencies section you will be able to view all the currencies that are currently available in your account. You will also be able to see their converted value. These currencies are applied to sites, so that users from those sites can see all monetary information in their own currency.




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