Inventory Adjustments

    If you want to update the On-Hand Qty on a Part, you cannot just hit “Edit” and change that value for that field. The reason for this is because this information deals with financial records and there has to be a transaction to account for every part.


    To make a part adjustment you will need to navigate to the detail view of the part, hover over the “Actions” button located at the top of the record, select “Adjustments” then on the “Part Adjustments” form you need to:

    • Select the “Adjustment Type” that you would like to make (Physical Count, Cycle Count, PO Return, etc) and input a number into the “Adjust Qty (+/-)” field.

    • Click “Save & Return” at the bottom when you are done (this will take you back to the part record and you will notice that your On-Hand Qty has been changed).



    AdjustmentType – Choose the type of adjustment you are making from the drop-down box. This will categorize the changes to inventory and make it easier to determine the purpose of a transaction, when viewing the history. The types of adjustments include:

    • PhysicalCount: Used for making corrections to the inventory, when an inconsistency is discovered

    • CycleCount: Used for updating the quantity after a planned cycle count of the inventory

    • Transfer (Location): Allows you to move a part from one location to another (only available with the Multi-Inventory Locations configuration.)

    • Transfer (In): For moving parts into an inventory location

    • Transfer (Out): For moving parts out of an inventory location

    • Overage: Corrects the quantity when an overage is discovered

    • Shortage: Corrects the quantity when a shortage is discovered

    • P.O. Return: Used for subtracting inventory, in response to a mistake on a specific PO. You can enter the PO number on the form, as a reference

    • Pilferage: This option is used to make a record for the loss of part, due to theft

    • ToolCribIn & Out: These options are generally used with items that represent tools which can be checked in and out of inventory. The items would be removed from inventory while they are being used for a job (Tool Crib Out) and returned when the work is completed (Tool Crib In). This is a good way to keep track of the availability of tools.

    • Other: Used for miscellaneous adjustments


    Below you will find a description of the other fields available on the adjustments screen:


    • TransactionDate – Default is the present date, however you can edit this if necessary.

    • PONoandPackingSlip/Comment – Use the PO# field and the Packing Slip/Comment field to record PO information or comments about the adjustment.

    • Location – This field is used for multi-location accounts.

    • CurrentOnHand – Displays the current on hand value. Changes to this field are ignored.

    • AdjustQty (+/-) – The adjustment quantity is required for the adjustment to be saved. Positive numbers are added to the existing on-hand quantity, and negative numbers are subtracted from the existing on hand quantity. For example, if the current on hand quantity is 25 and you enter -5 in the AdjustQty (+/-) field, the new on-hand quantity will be 20. If you entered 10 in the AdjustQty (+/-) field then your new on hand amount will be 30.

    • ItemCost – Current cost of the item. Changes made to this value will be saved with the adjustment.


    NOTE:Theonhandquantityisautomaticallyupdatedwhenpartsarereceived, whenpartsareissued, orbymakinganadjustmenttoinventory. Allofthisinformationisavailablebyaccessingthepart'shistory. Thesystemwillnotallowyoutomodifytheonhandoronordervaluesbyediting. YoumustusetheAdjustmentlinktochangetheonhandamount. Theonorderamountwillbemodifiedwhenapartisorderedorreceived.




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