Adding WO Charges

    Located in the RelatedTables tab for each work order form (detail view) is the section to add charges to the work order, called WorkOrderCharges. These charges can be defined in several ways: Parts, Labor, and a general Misc charge. When several charges are made against the same work order, each type is grouped and subtotaled by category.



    To add a charge, click the corresponding Add button. These buttons include AddPart, AddLabor, and AddMisc.


    NOTE:Workorderswithchargescannotbedeleted. However, thesystemwillallowyoutomarkChargesfordeletionifyouhavetheuserpermissionstodoso. Ifyouwanttodeletethempermanentlyfromthesystem, youwillneedtoaccesstheRemoveDeletedRecordsscreen.




    A Parts charge uses the Inventory file to validate the item number and populate the related information into the form.



    Select the part using the lookup located to the right of the ItemNofield. The ItemCost and OnHand are pulled from the Inventory file when the part is selected. Please note the Qty. (quantity) used cannot exceed the OnHandvalue of the part (Unless the field on the Inventory table called Allowchargesifon-handiszero? is set to True).


    Add any additional information such as the account number or an item cost adjustment. This part can also be added to the Asset's Related Parts section by checking the UpdateAssetrelatedpartslist. Click SaveEntry to save the charge to the work order and remain on that screen, or Save & Return to save the charge and exit the parts charge screen, returning to the work order.



    The Labor charge page uses the Contacts file to assign labor charges easily.



    Begin by choosing the contact using the Category and FullNamefields. The Categoryfield will filter the available contacts according to their assigned category. Next, choose the contact from the FullName list. If the Category you choose has a matching ContactID to the username logged in, the Full Name field will populate automatically. The HourlyRate($)/ Unitcost will pull over from the contact record if present. If you need more information about the contact you have chosen, click the contact icon to the right of FullName field's drop-down list.


    The StartTime and StopTime fields are optional fields which can be used to calculate the quantity of the labor. The calendar shown above allows you to select the date and the clock icon allows you to choose the time..



    If you choose not to use the Starttimeand Stoptimefields, enter the hours worked by the contact in the Qty field.


    The remaining fields, Sub-Category, Acct_no, and Comment can be used to track more information but is not necessary to record the charge.





    Misc. Charges are used to track charges for items or contacts that do not have a record in the system. An example of this is a person who is contracted to do a single job or the purchase of a part/consumable that you don’t usually need, but needed to buy only for that WO.



    Please be aware that items or contacts used in this manner will not have a history file. It may be beneficial to create a record using the Labor or Parts charge option instead.


    Use the fields on the Misc. Charges form to describe the charge. Click the Save & Return button to save the charge and return to the work order. Click the SaveEntry button to save the charge and reload a new, blank charge form. Click the Cancel button to return to the work order without saving the charge.


    TIP: If you are not using eMaint to track your parts inventory but still want to track parts charges on work orders, you can use the Misc. charges to track them. Use the comments field on the Misc. charge screen to describe the part used. The comment will appear on the detail charges view.



    The Work Procedures table is used to define common and/or complex tasks to the work order. When used, the Work Order Charge table can track the charges against these procedures.



    The task description for each procedure will be available in the drop-down box next to the WorkProcedureID field. Choose a procedure from the drop-down list then complete the charge form as normal. When saved, Procedure charges will appear in their own subsection on the Charges table.




    The charges on the Work Order Charges table are sorted and subtotaled by category.



    To edit or remove a charge that has been applied to a work order, click the GoTo link that is next to the charge in question. This will display the edit screen.





    Make the appropriate changes in the fields provided and click the Savebutton. To delete the charge altogether, click theDeletebutton. If you do not intend to edit this entry, click the X icon on the top right hand corner of the charges popup or choose Cancel.


    NOTE:YoucannoteditacontactonaLaborcharge. Youmustfirstdeletethechargefortheincorrectemployeeentryandthenaddanewchargeforthecorrectemployee.



    Clicking the Goto link on a Parts charge provides you with three adjustment options. You can edit the cost of the part by changing the value in the ItemCost field and clicking SAVEto save the change to the cost and return to the work order. You can also reduce the quantity charged by using the ReturnXtoInventory and selecting the quantity or, you can delete the charge entirely by using the Deletebutton.


    NOTE:Anitemthatisreturnedtoinventorywillbemarkedinred. RemovetheitemsinredbyusingRemoveDeletedRecordsmenuoptionintheNavigationtab. Thiswillonlyremovetheitemsinthechargetable, notdeletethepartfromthesystem.




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