Creating Work Orders

    There are multiple ways of creating Work Orders in the system, including PM Generation, Request Approval, and unplanned work (Corrective Work Orders).


    To create a new WO, navigate to the Work Orders table by clicking the “Work Orders” Tab at the left of the screen. From here we can directly add work orders into the system in one of two ways:


    • If you are on the list view, by clicking the “Plus” button at the top of the list; or

    • If you are on the detail view of a WO, click the “Add” button at the top left corner of the record. From here you can also add a Work Order using the copy add function (Down arrow next to the Add button).



    NOTE: The Copy/Add command will auto-populate the fields on the new record with the data from the record you were viewing before. You can then populate the empty fields as necessary and make modifications or additions to the populated fields.



    After the work order information is entered it must be saved. At this time, the work order number is created. The work order can be edited from the work order center by clicking the Edit link on the Detail view or single-clicking the field when EditInPlaceis turned on (Global Setting).





    The AssignTo and PerformFor fields are linked to the Contacts table. This allows the association of work orders to employees and customers that are maintained in the contacts table. Employee, Contractor, Supplier, and Personnel are typically used for the AssignToType field. The PerformForType field is typically the Customer, Location, or Tenant choices.


    • In Edit mode, choose the AssignToType and PerformForType to filter the contacts on the selection list. By default the available types are Contractor, Customer, Employee, Location, Personnel, Supplier, Tenant, and Other (unless edited by a user with access rights to form design).

    • Click the folder lookup for AssignTo and PerformFor to select a particular contact record from the contact type chosen.





    X4Work Orders

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