The update contains the following enhancements:
PreserveSelectedDateFilteronRelatedTables - When a user accesses a record in a related table after a date range filter has been adjusted, the date range filter will now be preserved after exiting out of that record. For example, if a user applies a date range to filter Meter Reading records, the filter will remain in place after the user exits a record and returns to the list.
NEWFEATURE! - QRCodeGeneration - Users will now have the ability to generate QR codes in eMaint X4. QR codes can be generated from a specific record, and can be printed or embedded directly into a form.
REQUESTEDENHANCEMENT! - Date/TimePickerEnhancement - The calendar tool available on date/time type fields has been enhanced to a more user-friendly tool that allows users to select exact time values.
AbilitytoAppendDatainRelatedTables - Through a custom configuration, administrators can now append fields of information from a separate table onto a related table. For example, a user can display the On Hand field from the Parts table onto the Related Parts table under Assets in order to view this information without having to add the field to the form.
NEWUSERINTERFACE! - PartsReorderList - The Parts Reorder List feature has been enhanced with an updated look-and-feel in the eMaint X4 interface.
NEWFEATURE! - SearchOperators - New search operators “Contains any word” and “Contains all words” have been added as available options when filtering within the list view.
REQUESTEDENHANCEMENT! - DocStorageFileSizeLimitIncrease - An enhancement was made to increase the file size limit from 16MB to 1GB within the document storage tool.
REQUESTEDENHANCEMENT! - Copy/PasteFromWordandExcel - An update was made to the HTML Editor tool that improves preservation of text formatting when copy/pasting from Word and Excel.
DisplayingChargesSubtotals - An update was made to the display of charge records in eMaint X4 to show subtotals of each charge type.
SaveOptionsonRelatedTableRecords - When users are saving a record that is being added to a related table, they can now choose to either “Save and Exit” or “Save and Open a New a Record.” This will allow users to quickly add multiple records to a related table, such as adding multiple Detail Lines to a Purchase Order.
“UpdateAssetRelatedPartsList” AdminSetting - A new administrator setting has been added under General Work Order Settings that will allow administrators to permanently set a default value (checked or unchecked) for the "Update Asset Related Parts List" checkbox on the charge screen. If the default value is not set, the "Update Asset Related Parts List" checkbox will continue to appear on each charge screen, and the previously saved state will be remembered.
BugFix - CSVReporting- A fix was made to ensure “Multi Line Text” fields appear in reports that are downloaded as a CSV.
BugFix - MeterReadingPage- A fix was made to prevent a display issue that occurred when navigating pages in the Meter Readings related table if there were more than 100 records.
BugFix - HTTPSDocStoragePreviewing - A fix was made to allow previewing of records in the eMaint X4 document storage interface when using HTTPS browsing.
BugFix - HidingFieldsonChargesForm - A fix was made to the eMaint X4 charges panel to respect fields marked to be hidden from display. When a field is marked to be hidden, the text box will no longer display for users to enter information.
BugFix - GridFailureLoadingInvalidKeyvalue - A fix was made to prevent a failure that occurred when a recently-visited record in a table exists with a keyfield value that has an invalid character(s).
BugFix - UploadingIntoDocStoragewithaniPad - A fix was made to make the “upload” button within document storage functional on an iPad.
BugFix - SelectingFormsusingiPad - A bug fix was made so that when users attempt to add a new record from the list view they are able to select which form to use when creating the record if multiple forms exist.
BugFix - DocStorageFilesWithCommas - A fix was made to prevent images that contained commas within their file name from not displaying when embedded on the form.
BugFix - ImageRotation- A fix was made to prevent image rotation that occurred after saving images taken on and uploaded from a mobile device.
BugFix - DataExplorer- A fix was made to prevent the “close” button from disappearing when the Data Explorer is open while in the Dashboard.
BugFix - AddButtonMissingFromRelatedTable - A fix was made to prevent the “Add” button from disappearing from PM related tables when accessing a PM through an asset
BugFix - Dd_PictureDisplayIssue - A fix was made to prevent commas from displaying unnecessarily when field formatting is configured to include them. An example would be formatting numeric values to include commas such as 999,999.99. If user inputs 500.00 it will no longer display as ,500.00
BugFix - AskatRuntimeBug - A fix was made to allow users to utilize the Ask at Runtime feature when running reports as a graph output.
BugFix - CloseoutScreenDisplayIssue - A fix was made to resolve an issue that caused the Next PM Date field to always read as “12/31/69” when closing out shadow-based PM Work Orders.
BugFix - NumericFieldsRequiredBehavior - A fix was made to prevent numeric fields set as “required” to be saved when a value of 0 is entered.
BugFix - AddingtoPrivateDashboards- A fix was made to allow non-admin users to add widgets to dashboards set as Private.
BugFix - MiscChargeBugFix - A fix was made to remove an extra “Category” field from displaying on the Misc. Charge form.
BugFix - UsingExploreronDataDictionary - A fix was made to resolve an application error that was occurring whenever trying to open the Data Explorer when in the Data Dictionary list view.
If you have questions, please contact our Customer Support team at (239) 494-8928 ext. 2 or send an email to