Sidebar (Recent Items, The Wall and Explorer)

    At the top right hand corner of the screen, there’s an arrow icon that will display a sidebar with 3 tabs:


    • RecentItems - A list of recently viewed records.

    • Wall - This section will display live notifications about activities on Starred items. For example, If you star an asset you will get notifications when WOs are created for it; If you star a Part you will get notifications when that part is charged to WOs, etc.

    • Explorer - The Explorer is a very useful tool that allows you to view your assets, parts, work orders, PMs, and contacts in a unique way. By configuring the “Columns to Explore”, you can see the records broken down and separated by the values in the fields of your choosing.





    1.1 - RecentlyViewed


    From the Recently Viewed records you have some additional features:

    • You can click the record’s icon for a quick view of that record information.

    • You can click the record ID to see the full record.

    • On WO Records, you can click the “Email” icon to send out this WO.

    The recently viewed section will show a maximum amount of ten items.


    1.2 - TheWall


    As mentioned before, when you star an item you are also telling the system to post notifications to your “Wall” every time anything happens with that item. In the example below we starred an asset, then created a WO for it. Right after creating that WO, the system automatically posted a notification for it. After closing out that WO the system posted another notification. The wall will show a maximum amount of ten items.


    NOTE: From the items displayed on the wall, you can click the record number. When doing so, that record will be displayed on the screen.


    1.3 - ConfiguringtheExplorer


    Below is an example of how to configure the Explorer:

    • Click on the Explorer tab within the Sidebar, then hit the “Manage Columns to Explore” button at the bottom.

    • Now you can see the popup window that will allow you to modify the data tree levels within the active tab. On the left-hand side you will see all the fields/columns that are available to be selected (you can also search for an item with the search field).

    • To add items to the right side (Selected Columns), you have 2 options:

    - Click on the "+" icon (Item will be placed at the bottom of selected list)

    - Grab it from the Available Columns, Drag it to the right side and drop it there (under

    “Selected Columns”).



    NOTE: The data will be pulled in the order the items are listed. You can reorder the list by dragging and dropping items. You can remove a selected item by clicking on the "-" icon.


    After Applying the changes, the screen will refresh and you will see the items in the Explorer section. When you have more than 1 level (more than one selected column), you can expand the items to drill-down to specific data. In the example above we selected the “WO Type” and the “Status”, so the system grouped the data accordingly and now after selecting a WO Type you will see 2 other folders/groups: One containing the Closed WOs (H) and the Other one containing the Open ones (O). The list view will display the group of records that you select.



    The explorer folders will also only display the records from the filter you have applied to your list view. Note that in the image below there are no filters applied to the list.



    The image below shows the list showing Open Emergency WOs after having clicked the “O” under the WO Type “Emergency.” Though there is not necessarily a filter applied under the Status field, the list is only showing the information that we have selected from the explorer indicating an “EXPLORED ON” value. Similarly to filtering, this has an option to “Clear” and display the filter has already been applied (again in this case, “ALL WORK ORDERS” as no filter has been applied).






    There is an option to allow other users to have access to the “Manage Columns to Explore” button. This is a user permission that would need to be checked under User Administration or User Roles Administration depending on which method of granting user rights is being utilized, and can be found under AccessibleTables & Actions, then X4UserInterface.






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