User Permissions and User Roles

    eMaint is a permissions based system that allows for designation of various types of access for individuals or role types. Permissions can range from an administrator/superuser to a limited/read only user simply by selecting the correct options under User Administration, or when setting up a role and then applying that role to a particular username. Areas of the system that are utilized but should be limited in access (ability to add, edit, or delete records) are controlled by the user permissions. Additionally, if a particular area of the system is not currently being utilized then the administrator can restrict access altogether so that particular module or feature is not displayed in the account. Note: The administrator always has full permissions, and is inherently able to control any part of the system.




    First, navigate to User Roles Administration to create a new user role record. This can be found by going to the Main Menu > Administration > UserRolesAdministration



    The familiar list view that is seen throughout other areas of the system will display, and there are four roles that will be listed by default. These are standard “out of the box” roles which can be modified as needed. Editing a role can be done by clicking the role’s ID to view the detail, selecting edit, and then checking the appropriate points of access for that particular role. Upon clicking edit, the ability to Save or Cancel Changes will display.



    After selecting edit, there will also be five different boxes where you can modify text or check off permissions (At the bottom of this document you will find detailed information on the permissions in these five areas)

    • Details - Modification of the Title and/or Description. The ID is a system generated field for this record that cannot be modified.

    • AccessibleMenuItems - Enables granting of permissions to the features of the system that are accessed from the Main Menu dropdown

    • AccessibleTables & Actions - Enables granting of permissions to the tables/modules in the system (Work Orders, Assets, Inventory, etc)

    • DashboardOptions.- Controls the role/user’s access to dashboard functions
    • Themes Manager - This area controls what users can create new account themes.


    Additionally, those with permissions with access User Roles Administration can also create new roles if necessary. This can be done by selecting the Add button on the list view or within the detail record, or hovering over the down-facing arrow next to the Add button to reveal the Copy/Add option (if you are creating a similar role to the currently in view). Upon saving this new role, the selected title will show up where the image below reads “NEW”.




    To apply this role to a particular username, Navigate to User Administration. This can be accessed by going to the Main Menu > Administration > UserAdministration















    Click the Username, which links directly to the individual username’s permissions. On this screen, check the box that says Role-basedaccessControl(after selecting the Edit button). Upon checking this box, the roles that currently exist in the system appear rather than all of the individual permissions. Checking the appropriate role will apply the permissions that have been determined as necessary for that particular role.





    First, Navigate to User Administration. This can be found by going to the Main Menu > Administration > UserAdministration




    Select the appropriate username and keep Role-based access Control unchecked so that the permissions options display for the username. Then, select the permissions as needed.



    1 - Accessible Menu Items

    This area controls user permissions for the options within the "Main Menu" button in X4.


    • Change Your Settings - allow users to change their own personal settings.
    • User Administration - controls who has permission to access the User permissions area.
    • User Roles Administration - controls who has permission to access the User roles area.
    • Login as another User - gives user an option to logout of their account within the "Main Menu"
    • Export Data - controls who has permission to export data from eMaint.
    • Remove Deleted Records - controls who has permission to access the "trash bin" with deleted records and permanently delete them from the system (use caution when deciding who has access to this area)
    • Site Activity Report - The Site Activity report gives the ability to track user activity for a 7 day date range. The report reveals all of the users that have logged in within that date range, the time they first and last accessed eMaint, as well as the number of hits or screen changes that occurred for a logged in session.
    • Workflow Email Templates
    • Import Data - controls who can import files into eMaint.
    • User Statistics Report - The User Statistics Report consolidates the data used in the Site Activity Report and gives the total number of logins, unique requests, total time, and average time using the system within a 7 day date period.

    Data Center

    • PM Task Library - controls who can access a list of existing tasks (this list is just a reference you can use as a resource when creating your own tasks)
    • Problem Type Management - controls who can access Problem Type Table and manage that list.
    • Department Management - controls who can access Department Table and manage that list.
    • Work Type Management - controls who can access Work Type Table and manage that list.
    • eMaint MX Mobile - controls who has the shortcut to access MX Mobile from the full site.

      PM Center

      • Meter Manager - controls who can access the Meter Manager to view and/or make changes to existing meter readings.
      • Generate PM Work Orders - controls who can access the PM mass generation feature.
      • Meter Import - controls who can perform meter imports.
      • PM Manager - controls who can access the PM Manager from X3. For customers using X4, the PM manager Options can be found withing the PM list (Mass Changes, PM Projections and PM Generation)
      • PM Route Manager - controls who can access the PM Route Manager.

      Purchasing Center

      • Parts Re-Order List - controls who can access the list of parts that reached the reorder point.
      • PO Receipts - controls who can view receipts for received POs.
      • Update Pending POs - controls who can access the list of updating POs.
      • Purchase Order Center - controls who can access the PO Center (from X3 interface) to see POs on a Folder format.

      Report Center

      • Query Builder - controls who can access the list of existing X3 Reports to tranfer them to X4 (there are 80+ reports in this list)
      • Digital Dashboard - controls who can access the a list of 4 hardcoded reports.
      • Inventory Valuation Report - controls who can access this existing report.
      • Percentage Complete - controls who can access this exixting report.

      Request Center

      • This are area controls who has access to the tabls in the requester interface: My Open Requests, My Rejected Requests, My Requests History and Requester Reports.


      • This are controls what options uders have within the Requisition Module: Requisition Cart, Stock Requisition Cart, Requisition Center, Requisition Approval an Create Stock Requisitions.

      Work Center

      • Group Close Out - controls who can perform WO group close outs on the WO list.
      • Time Card - controls who can access the time card feature.

        2 - Explanation of different Actions within the Accessible Tables and Actions section:

        • Access File - Allows you to access the files for the referenced table.
        • Add Records - Allows you to add a record for that section within the system.
        • Edit Records - Gives the ability to edit records on this table.
        • Delete Records - Gives the ability to delete records for the designated table.
        • Issue Parts Charge - Allows you to issue parts charges from the asset.
        • Issue Labor Charge - Allows you to issue labor directly from the asset.
        • Key Change - Allows you to change the value of the key field for the table.
        • Upload Documents - Enables users to upload to document storage
        • Create Folders - Allows for creating folders under document storage
        • Modify Form Layout - Enables moving and editing fields on forms
        • Modify List Views - Enables modification of list views
        • Import Data - Allows for utilization of the data import tool

        2.2 - Accessible Tables and Actions (Other Permission Areas)

        • Charges controls access to all the charge options within Work Order Charges.
        • Contacts controls what users will be allowed to do with Maintenance Contacts records.
        • Data Dictionary controls what users will be allowed to do with Data Dictionary records. This section of the system should be restricted to only those users who have System Administration training.
        • Document Manager controls user permissions within Document Storage.
        • Form Options controls whether a user has the permission to customize the forms within the system. It also controls whether a user has permission to add/remove fields on list views.
        • Forms List controls who can create and/or manage forms in the system.
        • Invoice File controls the Invoice related table on the Purchase Order form.
        • Maintenance Calendar controls the permissions to the Calendar.
        • Master Parts Listing (for those systems with a Master Parts file) controls whether users will be allowed to view that parts file.
        • Meter Readings controls what users will be allowed to do with Meter Readings.
        • Monitor Class controls what users have the ability to setup condition monitoring by creating monitoring classes.
        • Monitor Points Master controls what users have the ability to setup condition monitoring by creating monitoring points.
        • Monitor Points Readings controls what users have the ability to view and/or enter condition monitoring readings.
        • Monitor Points for Asset controls what users have the ability to associate Condition Monitoring classes with Assets.
        • Nameplate Info controls what users will be allowed to do with the Nameplate related table on assets.
        • Nameplate Lists controls what users will be allowed to do with Nameplate List records located in the Data Center.
        • PM Assignments controls what users will be allowed to do with the 'Assignments' table located on the PM form. Your account must have the Time Card/Planner module installed for this option to function.
        • PM File controls what users will be allowed to do with the PM Schedules on assets.
        • PM Procedures controls what users will be allowed to do with PM Procedures located on the PM Schedules.
        • PM Tasks controls what users will be allowed to do with the PM Task File Listing records.
        • Part Locations controls what users have access to the Parts Location Table (only applies to accounts using the Multi-Inventory location feature).
        • Parts File controls what users will be allowed to do with Inventory records.
        • Parts Information contains permissions for specific inventory functions: receiving and purchasing parts, making adjustments and key changes. ['Create/Modify Purchase Order' will give a user permission to modify the PO header information and also to create a purchase order from a part.
        • Parts Kitting controls what users can do with the Parts Kitting Feature (within the Inventory Actions).
        • Parts Requirements controls what users have the access to the Parts Requirements related table on the Work Order.
        • Project File controls what users will be allowed to do in the Project Master File.
        • Purchase Order controls what users will be allowed to do in the PO Center.
        • Purchase Order Line Items controls what users will be allowed to do in the Line Items related table at the PO level.
        • Purchase Order Master File controls what users will be allowed to do in the Purchasing Module.
        • Related Asset/PM Parts controls what users will be allowed to do with the Related Parts table found on the Asset and the PM schedules forms.
        • Reports controls what users will be allowed to do within the query tools. Access will permit users to run reports existing reports only. 'Add' will permit a user the ability to add new reports the Query Builder. 'Edit' and 'Delete' permits the user to change and remove Public reports which are not marked as “read-only.” A user always has full control of his own reports.
        • Request Manager controls the general options users will be allowed to do within the Request Manager. To allow for permissions to process the requests, additional permissions must be assigned under the Work Request Center permissions area (see below).
        • Scheduler controls what users will be allowed to do in the Scheduling Module.
        • Suppliers controls what users will be allowed to do with the Item Suppliers table available on the Parts records.
        • System Filter controls the creation of custom filters on the Group Close Out, PM Generation, and Scheduler screens.
        • Task Procedures controls the Task Procedures related table for Tasks.
        • Time Card Settings controls what the user can do on the Time Card screen. These permissions can be ignored if the Time Card/Planner module is not installed.
        • ​User Roles controls who has access to User Roles module, where Templates for user permissions can be created and modified.
        • WO Procedures controls what users will be allowed to do within the WO Procedures table available on work orders.
        • Work Order Assignments controls what users will be allowed to do with the Assignments table located on the Work Order form.
        • Work Order Center contains specific permissions for work order functions: closing and re-opening work and creating charges on work orders.
        • Work Order Invoices controls what users are allowed to do on the Invoices related table located on the Work Order form.
        • Work Order Request contains the permissions for processing work requests.
        • Work Order Types controls what users will be allowed to do with Work Order Type records.
        • Work Orders controls what users will be allowed to do with work orders.
        • Workflow Manager controls what users will be allowed to do with the Workflow manager.
        • X4 User Interface controls what users have the ability to do when navigating X4 interface: Add Locked Filters (permanent filters for users on list views), Add custom filters (create filters from list view), Edit Explorer, Edit Grid State (Rearrange and Resize columns on list view), Mass Change Values.

        3 - Dashboard Options

        The dashboard options controls what users will be allowed to do in the Dashboard.

        4 - Themes Manager

        This area controls what users can create new account themes.


        X4System AdministrationUser Permissions

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