Adding Monitor Point Readings

    This feature is not available for customers at the "Team" account level. For more information on eMaint CMMS plans (account levels), you can contact your Customer Success Manager or email This information is also available at

    To record readings for monitor points, click on the add readings button after entering the condition monitoring tab. This will bring you to a screen where the following choices appear:


    • MonitoringClass - Pick the monitor class that is required for data entry.

    • ScheduledReadingsDateRange - Search for assets with condition monitoring PM schedules in a certain date range.

    • CustomFilters - Select a custom filter to narrow down the asset selection even further.

    • SortOrder - Allows you to sort by either asset ID for work order number.

    • DateReadingsTaken - The date that the readings were taken.



    After selecting a class, you will be taken to the questions section to answer any questions attached to a monitoring class.

    Once you have answered the provided questions, click Proceed.


    From this next screen, you can enter in the monitor point information. Below are a few images that show how the different field types show up when entering your readings.


    • The PSI field below is a character field with direct data entry.


    • The Pressure field is a dropdown value where you can choose either Pass or Fail.

    • The “Date Taken” field shows a calendar to allow the population of a date.


    • The monitor point “Comments” is a multi-line text field that produces a popup box for information to be entered.


    Once you are done filling in all the monitor points, click Save Readings to save the condition monitoring data.




    X4Condition Monitoring

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