Creating PM Schedules

    The PM Scheduling is a powerful and flexible tool that enables you to establish Calendar-Based and/or Meter-Based PM schedules for an asset.


    To create a new PM schedule you need to click on the “Asset” Tab and go into the Asset Record that you want to create the PM for.


    CreatingPMs (Calendar-BasedandMeter-Based)


    • In the Asset list, go into the detail view of the asset you would like to create the PM for.

    • At the top right hand corner of the Asset form, you will see a tab for its “Related Tables”. Within the Related tables, there is a table called “PM Schedule”. Click the “Add New Record” button on it (this will bring up the PM form, which will allow you to create a new PM schedule for that particular asset).


    When you see the PM form, you will notice that the fields necessary to setup “Calendar Based” PMs are situated on the left hand column and the fields necessary to setup “Meter Based” PMs are on the right hand column.





    The following Fields need to be filled out in order for a calendar based PM to function correctly.



    ProduceEvery?: The calendar frequency of the PM (For example, if it is to be performed every six months, enter the number '6' in the ‘Produce Every’ field and select 'Months' from the Calendar Based Freq).

    CalendarBasedFreq: Options are Days, Weeks, Months, or N/A (not applicable).

    CalendarFreqType: The options are Static or Shadow, with Static as the default setting. Static PMs are based on the ‘Next PM Date’ that is entered on the PM Schedule. The next PM will generate on the appropriate time interval indicated on the schedule, counting from the ‘Next PM Date’ recorded. Shadow PMs are based on the closeout date of the previous PM Work Order that was generated from the schedule. The next PM will generate according to the time interval listed, counting from the date that the last PM work order for the schedule was closed.

    NextPMDate: The date on which this PM should be generated as a new, open PM work order.




    To create a new Calendar Based PM Schedule, you will need to click the “Add New Record” Button on the “PM Schedule” table beneath the Asset, then:


    A - Fill in the calendar section of the PM form

    B - Fill in any additional information required such as “Assign to” and “Brief Description”

    C - For a PM to display in the calendar, “On Calendar?” must be set to “True”

    D - You can set the PM to always skip specific days if needed

    Click “Save New Record” when done




    The three first fields in this area are user defined and need to be filled out in order for a meter based PM to function correctly.



    ProducePMEvery: This is where you can enter a numeric value for the frequency of the PM generation. Frequency is determined by a combination of this field and the Occurs Desc field. If, for example, you'd like the PM to generate every 5000 miles, put 5000 in this field.

    OccursDesc: This field lets you set the type of measurement: HOURS, MILES, UNITS, KILOMETERS, and MISC. It's used in conjunction with the Produce PM Every field to determine the frequency. Using the same example of "every 5000 miles", you would want to select MILES from the dropdown.

    MeterType: The Meter Type controls the way the readings will be entered and recorded. If it's set to RUNNING, you will enter the value that it currently reads, which will only go up (such as an odometer on a car). If it's TOTALS, you will enter values that will be added up and the total will be used as to generate the PMs.

    DailyAverage: This field can be filled out with an estimated average, which will allow you to see a projection in the PM Manager or the Scheduler.

    LastMeterReadingEntry: This is automatically filled in and will show the value of the last meter reading that was entered.

    LastMeterReadingDate: This will also be filled in automatically and shows the date that the last meter reading entry was made.

    LastPMProducedAt: This is another automatically populated field. It displays what the meter read at the time the last PM work order was produced.

    Meter-To-Date: The historical total of all meter readings will be automatically calculated and displayed here.



    Go to the asset for which you'd like to create a PM Schedule for. Click the “Add” button on the “PM Schedule” area, then:

    A - On the right hand column under the yellow “Meter Based” section set a value for “Produce PM Every”, “Occurs Desc” and for “Meter Type”.

    B - Fill in other necessary information (Brief Description, Assign to, etc), then hit Save.




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