Receiving Purchase Orders

    Once the parts have been physically received, you will want to receive those parts in the system as well. To receive items, go to the original purchase order, hover over “Actions”, then select “Receive”.



    The Receiving form will then be displayed, allowing you to receive one or all of the line items in your order.

    • If you received all of the items in the correct quantities, you can click on “Auto Fill” and the system will automatically populate the “Qty Rcvd” fields with the amount ordered.

    • If you received a partial order you can fill in the amounts on each line for all of your items.

    • Hit the “Process” button at the bottom when you are done.


    NOTE 1: You do not have to receive all parts at the same time. Once all parts are received for a particular line item, that line item will close automatically.

    NOTE 2: After you receive the items, the system will automatically move your “On Order” amounts to the “On Hand” inventory.






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