Introduction to the Reporting Module

    To access the Report Module you will need to click on you user name at the top of your system tabs, then click on the “Reports” option.



    This will take you to the Report List, where you can see all existing reports in your account and have the ability to use the filtering and sorting functionalities of X4 to find the Report you need.


    To create a new report you will need to click the “Plus” button at the top of the Report List.



    This will take you to the Report Building screen, where you will have the 3 following tabs: Report Details, Report Builder and Preview.


    1 - ReportDetails


    In this area you will setup you report properties:

    • Define Name and Type (Category) of your Report; Decide if report will be public and or read only; and choose output type.

    • Setup “Output Properties” (Alternate Row Colors, Display Links, Add grid lines, etc)

    • Setup Report Auto-Generation.



    NOTE: The “Save New Record” button can be clicked at any time during the process of creating a report. You can do it after naming your report or at the end of the very last step on the”Report Builder” tab.


    1.1 - ReportDetailsScreen

    1. Description – This is the name of your report.

    2. Comments – Enter any description here which will aid users in identifying what this report queries. If your description is clear enough, you may not need to enter anything here.

    3. Type– You can categorize your reports any way you wish. The most typical categorization would be by the section of the system you are querying. For example: work order reports can be type WORK, while reporting on work order charges can be CHARGES.

    4. Public – Check this box if you would like all users to have access to this report.

    5. ReadOnly – Keep this box checked to prohibit anyone but the owner from editing this report. A “Read Only” report will allow users to run the report but prohibits any changes to the report properties, tables, or fields.

    6. OutputType - Here you will find a list of Outputs will can use to run your report. The available formats are: Grid Widget, Graph, Instrument, HTML, PDF, CSV, Excel and Email.

    7. AllowareporttobeseenbyaRequestorintheReportscreen - Checking this box allows the request users to see the report if they have access to the reports button in the request portal

    8. Alternaterowcolor? – Check this box if you would like to have alternate colors on the rows. Then use the “Alternate color” fields to select the colors.

    9. Alternatecolor 1 – You may type in a basic color in these fields. You may also click the magnifying glass to choose a color from a friendly color picker.

    10. Alternatecolor 2 – This is where you can set the second color. The rows will alternate between the two.

    11. Displaylinks? – Checking this box will allow you to link directly to an item from its keyfield when viewing your Report from the “Preview” screen.

    12. Displaygridlines? – Check this box to separate your report information with grid lines for easier reading.

    13. TopXReport? – If this box is checked, the report will only show a set number of records that are ranked the highest, by the sort order you specify.

    14. TopXCount – This is used along with the “Top X Report?” field and allows you to set how many records will show: Top 10, Top 20, etc.

    15. TopXType? – This field determines whether the report will be based on a certain number of records or all records within a certain percentage.


    AutogenerationProperties allow for auto-sending an a report to a preferred destination at a user-defined frequency.


    2 - ReportBuilder


    In this single area you have all the tools that are necessary to build a report. Once you are done with the properties, click on the “Report Builder” at the top.

    In this area, you will be able to:

    • Select main report table and join other tables (when needed).

    • Add the Fields/Columns you would like to pull information from.

    • Filter for the Information you are looking for.

    • Sort your report by one or more fields.

    • Setup Graphs and Instruments.


    To use any of the tools mentioned above click the pencil icon at the top of each section.



    2.1 - SelectingTable


    On the “Select Tables” area, click the drop down and select the main table you want to pull information from. Click on the “Confirm” button when you are done.



    2.2 - SelectingColumns


    On the “Selected Columns” area, click pencil icon to bring up the “Select Report Columns” window, then add the fields (by clicking plus icon) that you would like to have on your report. Hit “Apply Changes” at the bottom when you are done.



    2.3 - ColumnProperties


    The report writer gives the ability to control how any of the columns that are selected for the report can behave. Clicking the pencil icon next to the individual column after selecting the columns reveals a properties screen with multiple selections. After applying the appropriate properties to that column, click “Proceed” to save any changes.

    1. FieldDescription - Enables modifying the field description on the report, but not changing the field description throughout the rest of the field. (For example, changing WO No. to Work Order Number in this field only changes the column header of the report but not the field name on the Work Order form)

    2. FontName - Allows for changing the font for this particular column to a different one than the default

    3. FontSize- Allows for changing the size of the font for this particular column to a different one than the default

    4. FontColor - Allows for changing the font color for this particular column to a different one than the default

    5. ColumnWidth - The column with defaults to 70, but can be changed to shorten or widen the column on a HTML report. Changing this field to reflect a lower number will shorten the column width, and changing this field to reflect a higher number will widen the column width

    6. GroupBand - Enables the ability to create different sections on the report based on the data located in the selected field. Note:ThisfieldmustalsobetheprimarysortundertheOrderBysection

    7. DisplayTotals- Reveals a total count of the records currently in view.

    8. DisplayFunctions - Functions are commonly used on numeric fields on reports in order to add total amounts or add grouped records together. Sum and Count are the most commonly used display functions, but others include Average, Max, and Min. When choosing a display function, the selection appears under the “Selected Columns” section to clearly indicate that there is a display function on that field.




    2.4 - FilteringReport


    On the “Filter” area: A - Click the down arrow next to the available field; B - Select the field you would like to filter by (e.g. Status); C - Select the Operator (Is equal to, Starts with, Contains, etc), then on the third field type the criteria (e.g. O representing Open WOs).


    2.5 - OrderingReportData


    On the “Order by” area you can sort the report by one or more fields. To do so, click the pencil icon at the top, then add the field(s) you want and Hit “Apply Changes”.



    2.6 -AdvancedReportBuildingTools


    • GroupBy - The Grouping feature will allow you to combine, into one line, all records that have the same value in a field.

    • GraphProperties - When you are setting up your report to be a graph you will need to define the Category Field (X axis) and the value field(s), which is your Y axis?

    • InstrumentProperties - When you are setting up your report to be an instrument you will need to define the Value Field, as well as your Min and Max ranges for each color in the instrument.


    For more information on the advanced report building tools, you can search the Knowledge Base for the GraphsandInstruments document


    3 - Preview


    In this area you will see a preview of your report on a grid widget format. This allows you to assure your report is setup correctly before you actually run it.




    4 - SaveyourReport

    Click the "Save New Record" button so that the report is added to the report list for future reference.






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