Inventory Transactions (WO Charges, Adjustments, Transfers)

    Inventory Transactions


    Once you have multiple locations defined, you’ll need to select the location, when performing any action that affects the On Hand value of a part (WO Charges, Adjustments, Transfers, Purchases, etc).


    Work Order Charges


    Since you have inventory in separate locations, they are tracked separately. When creating a parts charge you’ll have a field that lets you specify the location from which the part should be taken from.





    After selecting the location and completing the parts charge, the part’s “On Hand” value for that specific location will be updated.


    When making an adjustment to the “On Hand” value for a part, you will have to select the location.








    You can use the Adjustments menu to transfer parts from one location to another. To do this, go to the adjustments screen and select Transfer (Location) as the Adjustment Type. This will cause the screen to change slightly. You will have a place to select the location “from” which you’re taking the parts, as well as the location “to” which they should be moved. Enter the quantity that will be transferred and click Save & Return. This will move the parts. Two transaction records marked XFERLOC will be automatically created in your history.




    Additional Information


    If you do not have the Transfer (Location) option, go to your Account Settings, click on “Inventory Control Settings”, scroll down until you see the “Inventory Adjustment Document Types”, then click the Add button on it (only the account administrator has access to this area):




    Once the “Adjustment Document Type” window pops up, populate the form according to the instructions below:

    • Document Type - XFERLOC

    • Description - Transfer (Location)

    • Display Order - This is the order in which this option will display on the list.








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