Purchase Orders (Multi Location)

    Purchase Orders (Multi Location)




    Purchase Orders


    When creating a purchase order, there is a field called Location. This will allow you to select the location for which you are ordering parts.





    Note - When you receive the parts, they will automatically update the On Hand quantities in that location.


    Multi Inventory Location Parts Re-Order List (Stock Requisitions)


    When a part reaches the reorder point for a specific location, the contact you defined for that location will receive an email notification. However, that part will not be pushed into the same “Parts Re-Order List” used by accounts with single inventory location (unless the negative transaction also caused the On Hand value on the part record to reach the reorder point).


    If you wish to process parts per location as they reach their reorder points, you will need to go to the navigation screen and go through the stock requisition process to get to the PO. When these parts reach the reorder point they are pushed into the “Create Stock Requisitions”.


    User Transactions

    • 1 - As negative part transactions are being created against a location, the On-Hand value for that location will reach the reorder point.



    • 2 - eMaint sends out an email notification to the the contact associated with that location.



    • 3 - Requisitioners will start by Clicking on “Create Stock Requisitions”, Select an Inventory location, then hit “Proceed”. In this screen they will now see a list of items that were pushed there automatically by the system when they reached their reorder points. There are no “Process” buttons on this screen. Just clicking the “Create Stock Requisitions” link is enough to automatically push those items to the “Stock Requisition Cart”.

    • 4 - Now the Requisitioner returns to the navigation page and clicks on  the “Stock Requisition Cart” link where items will be grouped by Supplier. The parts that were processed in the previous step will also be there and from this screen they can be submitted for approval.



    • 5 - Now the Approver will click on “Requisition Approval” to view those requisitions and will have the option to approve them or not. If approved, the requisition will become a pending PO.


    Purchasing Personnel

    • 6 - Now, that pending PO can be viewed by any user in your Purchasing department, who will click on “Update Pending POs” to see it and finally turn it into an actual Purchase Order.




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