PM Distribution

    With PM distribution, you can copy multiple PMs to multiple assets. 

    PM schedules can be created for assets by going to the PM Related table and adding a new schedule against the Asset. If there is a particular set of Assets that should have the same PM associated, then there is a way to distribute that PM to multiple Assets which makes a copy of that schedule. This saves time in entering the schedules as you will then not have to create the same PM on more Assets.

    PM Distribution is a simple three step process which involves two different tables: the PM table and the Assets table. First, navigate to your PM List and check off the boxes next to the PM schedule(s) that you would like to distribute.



    After that, you will need to keep those PM schedule records selected and navigate to the Assets table. Here, you will need to check the Assets that should have those schedules distributed.

    Note: There will be a number in a blue circle next to the PMs indicating the amount you have selected.



    Finally, while still under the list view of the Assets table, hover over the Actions dropdown and click the Distribute PMs option. The system will ask you to confirm this action and the PMs will then have been copied over to the Assets that were checked.



    Additional Note: Be sure to deselect the Asset and PM records that were selected during this process after the PMs have been distributed.



    X4PM DistributionPreventive Maintenance

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