MX Mobile 2.0 (Configuration)

    1 - Creating Mobile Forms


    When you first start using this version of MX Mobile you will need to create your Mobile forms. These forms will be used in addition to the default form for the work order, parts, assets, or contacts. They may be customized to include or exclude any of the available fields to the mobile forms, so you can make MX Mobile your own. To make these changes you will need to be in the full site.


    In the Example Below, we will demonstrate how to create the Work Order Form for the Mobile interface:

    • A - Access the Manage Forms tab by clicking on your icon at the top of the menu bar from any location in the full version.

    • B - The easiest way to create a new form is to copy the original and format it from there. First, we need to find the form we want to copy. Search under Available Tables for the table for which you are creating the form for. In this example, type in “WORK” (this is the system name for the WO table), and you will see “Work Orders” table come up.

    • C - Once you see the form listed, click on Work Orders and then you will see a list populate on the right under “Available Forms”.

    • D - Find the “Default” form, click on it once, then click on Copy Form at the bottom left of the pop-up screen.


    • E - The Unique ID will automatically update with a unique value and you will want to keep the Form Table the same as well. The two fields that you need to enter are Form ID and Description. The Form ID differentiates the fields that appear on each form. The description field is what you will see when selecting a field. For this exercise type X3MOBILE (in all capital letters)into the “Form ID” field and Mobile into the “Description”, then click “Save & Configure” (This will take you to the form design screen of your newly created Mobile form). Also, because we copied from the original (Default) form, the new one should mimic the one you had.


    2 - Customizing MX Mobile Forms


    Customizing MX Mobile forms is very simple. Specially if you are already familiar with the “Form Design” feature. To customize these forms (Work Orders, Assets, Parts, etc) you will need to be in the full site and navigate to the form you would like to make changes to.


    The main difference between the default form and the mobile form is that on MOBILE you have to make sure you only have fields on the first column. So, if you created your mobile form by making a copy of the default form, move all relevant fields to the first column.


    Before learning how to customize the form, let’s take a minute to see what the Work Order form looks like on both the full site and MX Mobile (See Image Below).



    Note that fields on the Work Order form on MX Mobile were customized from the WO Mobile form in the full site.


    In this example, we will add the “Downtime” field to the Work Order Form on the Mobile interface. To do so, you will need to access the Manage Forms tab by clicking on your icon at the top of the menu bar from any location in the full version. Search under Available Tables for the table for which you would like to edit and choose the “Mobile Form”.


    Click on a existing yellow folder or add one where you would like to have it;


    Then, Select the field you want to add to the Mobile form and you are done.



    Now, when accessing existing WOs or creating new ones through MX Mobile the field will be on the form.


    Additional information


    A - To create the Other forms you will just need to find the proper "Form Table" then repeat the same process demonstrated above. Here's a list of the Table names you will need:

    • Work Orders - WORK

    • Assets - COMPINFO

    • Parts - ARINVT01

    • Requests - REQUEST

    • Contacts - CONTACT


    B - You can always go back to your mobile forms to make additional changes. To do so, navigate to the Manage Forms section, find the table you are looking for then:

    • Ensure the “Mobile” form is highlighted and click on the Edit Form button which will take you to the Design Mode for that particular form.

    • You can now configure this form to match your requirements.







    X4System AdministrationMobileForm Design

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