Parts Checkout

    Parts Checkout with Barcode Scanning


    You can save time during your parts checkout process with the parts scanning screen in eMaint X4.





    This feature allows users using a barcode scanning device to scan barcodes containing part numbers. When a barcode is scanned, the part information will appear on the screen showing the Item Number (A), Description (B), On Hand (C), Unit Cost (D) and Checkout Quantity (E).


    The Checkout Quantity number will show as “1” by default, but can be adjusted by the user. You can then assign it to the WO# that the part is being issued to.


    Any additional scans will create an additional line item, and the total quantity of items will be charged out of inventory during checkout.



    After checking out, if a work order is attached to the part, it will be issued as a part charge to that work order. If a work order is not attached, the inventory history record will be created as a negative physical count adjustment.





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