X4 Asset Reservation Requests

    The Asset reservation feature allows users (Standard and Work Requestors) to reserve assets (e.g. Vehicles, Rooms, etc) for specific time windows. Once approved, other users won’t be able to reserve the same asset at conflicting times. The system also gives you the ability to see your requests on a friendly calendar view and tracks Request History at the Asset level.


    1 - Who can use this feature?

    • Administrator & Standard users

    • Work Requestor User (or Work Requestor Link)


    2 - Navigating to the Reservation Requests Module


    As an Administrator or Standard user (Full Site): There’s a “Reservations Request” tab at the left menu where standard users (with permissions to this area) can access the request list, Approve/Reject, view calendar and create new reservations.



    As a Work Requestor User (Requester Interface): There’s an “Add New Reservation Request” button at the top right hand side of the screen where requesters will be able to create reservation requests. There will also be two additional tabs at the top of the Screen:

    • My Open Reservation Requests

    • Rejected Reservation Requests



    Note: Reservation requests can also be entered through a Request link (for customer who are using this method). Whoever clicks the link will be taken directly to reservation form (much like the WO Request link)


    3 - Creating Reservation Requests


    To create a new reservation request as a Standard user, click the “Reservation Request” tab on the left menu, then click the plus button at the top right hand side of the list.


    To create a new reservation request as Work Requestor user, click the “Add New Reservation Request” button at the top right hand side of the screen.



    Once you see the request form Follow steps below:

    • The Requestor information (Requested By, Telephone, Ext and Email) will populate automatically for requesters who have their own account and whose names are on the Contact list). For customers that are using the Requester link, we suggest making these fields mandatory, so requesters have to populate them before they are able to save it.

    • Select the Departure Date/Time and Return Date/Time. When you click the calendar icon, first select the date, then click the little “clock” icon at the bottom and pick the time.

    • Select the Asset Type (Car, Truck, Room, etc).

    • Then select the Asset ID (When clicking the Asset lookup the system will only show you records of the Asset Type selected that don’t have any conflicting times approved).

    • Add a Brief Description, then hit the “Save New Record” button at the top.



    Note 1 - When needed, you can write a more specific description on the Work Description field.

    Note 2 - Asset Reservations can also be created from the “Reservations Calendar” (this will be discussed further in this document).


    4 - Approving Reservation Requests


    When requests are approved (by a Standard User) the system generates a Work Order for it. There’s also a related table at the request level that keeps a history of Approved and Rejected Requests (it will be discussed further in this document).


    To approve a request, navigate to the “Reservation Requests” list and filter to only see requests that are open (Status = O), then click the little arrow at the left side of the record and and click on “Approve Request.



    Note: On the Reservation Requests list, Approved requests are represented by an A and Rejected requests are represented by a X.


    If you wish to see more details you can also click the “Request Number” from the list to go into the record and approve it from the actions button at the top of the request form.



    Once Approved, the system will generate a Work Order for that Asset Reservation Request (much like what happens after approving a WO Request). The Work Order created will be of the “Reservation” Type and the Requester information will be populated on the WO form. At this time, the approver will fill out any other relevant information on the WO form and will save it.


    5 - Rejecting Reservation Requests


    When requests are rejected, a window will popup and the rejecter will be able to write the reason for rejecting it. The reason entered here will be sent to the requester by email.


    6 - Asset Reservations Related table (History)


    As mentioned before, the system also gives you the ability to view and track Request History at the Asset level. To access this area, navigate to an Asset, click the “Related Tables” tab at the top right hand corner and scroll down until you see the “Asset Reservation” section.



    If you don’t see the “Asset Reservations” related table in your account, follow these steps:

    • 1 - Hover over the “Options” button within an asset record and click on “Manage Related Tables”;

    • 2 - Click the plus sign next to “Asset Reservations”;

    • 3 - Hit Apply Changes.



    7 - Viewing Reservation Calendar


    The Asset reservation feature also gives you the ability to see your requests on a friendly calendar view. You will also be able to create requests from this screen. To access the calendar, navigate to the “Reservation Requests” list, hover over the “Actions” button and click on “View Reservations Calendar”.



    On the calendar the requests will display in the three different colors: Open requests are grey, Approved requests are green and rejected requests are red. Here are the tools that allow you to easily navigate the calendar:

    • A - These three buttons allow you to toggle between request statuses.

    • B - In this area you can click the “Today” button to display information for the current time period selected on section E (Day, Week or Month). You also have backward and forward buttons to help navigate the calendar. Another option available in this area is the calendar icon, which allows you to pick different time periods (past or future).

    • C - In this area you can download the calendar in PDF format. The arrow pointing left takes you back to the request list. The Filter icon allows you to access any filters you have created at the Reservation Request list. The maximize icon allows you to see the calendar in full browser mode. The square icon allows you to change the background color of the Reservation Requests bar/header.

    • D - This area allows you filter the calendar by your different assets types.

    • E - In this area you can choose to view the calendar by Day, Week or Month. You also have the option to display it as an agenda, which will give you a horizontal more general view of the calendar with only the days and times with requests.

    • F - When on daily or weekly view, you will see the “Show Business Hours” button at the bottom of the calendar. This will simplify your calendar by only showing you times between 6am to 4pm. This is the default time window, but it can be changed in your account by emaint upon request.


    Note - Double clicking an existing request on the calendar will take to that request. Double clicking an empty time slot will allow you to create an Asset reservation from the calendar.

    8 - Account Settings (Administrator User)


    To access the Reservation Requester Settings, the administrator will first need to navigate to the Accounts Settings area.


    Once on that screen, click the “Requester Settings” tab on the left menu, then at the very bottom of this page you will see the “Accessibility Settings (Reservation Requests)” section. In this area you can decide if your Requester users should have the options that allow them to create and view reservation requests.


    9 - User Permissions


    Standard users can be given permissions for the “Reservation Requests” module. To do so, you will need to navigate to the “User Administration” section under the Main Menu and click on an user.


    Once on the Permissions screen, you will find “reservation Requests” under the Accessible Menu Items.


    You will also find permissions for this module under the “Accessible Tables & Actions” as demonstrated on the image below.




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