X4 Document Storage

    Document Storage is the File hosting eMaint feature that is fully integrated within the application. The Document Storage option located in the options menu gives you access to the Document Manager, where you will have an explorer-type view of all files. You can also create multiple levels of folders, where you can store different types of files (images, excel, powerpoint, word, etc).


    As part of the Document storage feature, you can create “Document fields” on any forms. These fields will allow you to select a file and display it as an image or simply as a link to an image or document.

    1 - Key Features

    • Can create multiple levels of folders (sub-folders).

    • Canstoremultipletypesoffiles - images, excel, powerpoint, word.

    • Can see a preview of the file that was selected (even full PDF preview, word documents, and excel records) - can zoom in/out during preview.

    • You can embed an image (for photos) or a link (for Excel, Word, PDF, etc).

    • CanaddmultipleDocumentfieldstoyoursystemforms (Assets, WorkOrders, Request, etc).

    • Can adjust image size before adding/displaying it on a record.

    • Cancarrydocumentsfromassetstoworkorders/requests.

    • Can reference these files on the “Asset Documents,” “PM Documents” and “Work Order Documents” Related tables, so they will print with the asset/PM/work order when needed.

    • Uploadmulti-recordsatasingletimebydragginganddroppingthefilesfromyourPC.

    • Move files across folders

    2 - X4 Document Storage File Formats (Support for 50+ Formats)


    PortableDocumentFormat: PDF

    MicrosoftWord: DOC, DOCX, DOCM, DOT, DOTX, DOTM

    MicrosoftExcel: XLS, XLS2003, XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, XML

    MicrosoftPowerPoint: PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX

    MicrosoftVisio: VSD, VDX, VSS, VSX, VST, VTX, VSDX, VDW

    MicrosoftProject: MPP, MPT

    MicrosoftOutlook: MSG, EML, EMLX

    OpenDocumentFormats: ODT, OTT, ODS, ODP

    RichTextFormat: RTF

    PlainTextFile: TXT

    Comma-SeparatedValues: CSV

    HyperTextMarkupLanguage: HTM, HTML, MHT, MHTML

    XMLPaperSpecification: XPS

    AutoCADDrawingFileFormat: DXF, DWG (2004)

    Imagefiles: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF

    Electronicpublication: EPUB

    WindowsIcon: ICO


    3 - Document Storage Access


    The Document Storage feature is available to all eMaint X4 accounts. However, the amount of storage space aloted to users is based on their subscription level.


    Once you go over the storage space that was initially provided to your account, you will have the ability to purchase additional storage in increments of 50GB.


    For additional information and pricing visit http://www.emaint.com/cmms-pricing/


    4 - X4 Document Location


    After clicking the user's name on the top left hand corner, you will have an options menu that shows where you can launch the X4 Document Manager.



    In the Document Manager screen there are 3 sections:

    • A - The first section allows the user to upload their files and add new folders for their folder hierarchy. The files themselves can be categorized in this section to see all files in document storage, see the starred favorite records, or lookup records by their folder location.

    • B - Section B gives the user the ability to go back to the previous folder, change the display between a list display or large icons, and the capabilities of search for records by their name. Additional information such as the total files and the storage used it also displayed within this area.

    • C - Section C allows the user to view all the records in their current location. Users have the ability to preview a record, make the file a favorite using the star icon, and check multiple records at the same time. Information such as the file size, the user who uploaded the file, and the timestamp of when the file was uploaded into document storage.

    5 - Creating Folders


    Creating folders is very easy. Click the “New Folder” button and type in a name for your new folder. After you click the “Create Folder” button, the screen will refresh and the folder will display on the list. The location of where the folder is created is based on the current screen you are located at. If you are in the parent folder, the folder will be created as a main folder. If the user's location was somewhere else such as a folder called Equipment, the folder will become a sub-folder within the Equipment folder.



    6 - Uploading Single and Multiple Records


    To upload files to X4 Documents, click the upload icon (green arrow pointing up). Select the file on your computer you want to upload and double click it. This will upload the document into the folder that you are currently located at within X4.


    Users can also upload multiple files at a single time. When the document storage screen is open, go to the location on your computer where the files you want to upload are located. Highlight and drop those files into document storage will upload all the records chosen at the same time.


    7 - Adding Images and Files to Records


    Document Storage fields can be added to any forms (Assets, Work Orders, Requests, etc). In the example below you can see that we created an Asset record and added an image to it. Files can be added to records when you are either creating or editing them. To do so, you will need to: A - Click the “triple dot” button on the Document field (this will bring up the X4 Document Screen); B - Select an image from the list; C - Use the zoom in and out buttons to adjust the image size to your liking; D - Click the image icon at the top of the list.



    Now that the record has been saved, you can see the image displayed on the form.


    If the “Weblink” icon had been clicked instead of the image icon, a link to the image would display instead of the image.

    When in the Display view, there will be an option to add an image or link directly to the record without previewing it. Place your mouse over the file name. This will display the image icon, link icon, download icon to download the file, pencil icon to rename the file, and a trash can icon to delete the file.

    NOTE: When adding other types of documents (PDF, Word, Excel, etc), you will need to use the weblink icon.


    8 - Creating Document Fields


    As mentioned before, Document fields can be created on any system forms. To do so you will need to navigate to “Manage Forms”, select a table, then select the form you would like to customize (Default, Mobile, etc).

    Click on a yellow folder, then create the new field. Make sure it’s a “Text” field and make “250” Characters, then hit “Create Field”.


    NOTE: We made this field accept a lot of characters because most times it will hold long URLs.

    The last step is to go into the properties of the new field and change it’s “Behavior” to “X4 Document Storage”.


    Now you can use this field to display images or links that will direct you to the files that are stored in the X4 Document Module.


    9 - Previewing Files


    Within the X4 document storage, there is an option to preview the document by clicking on the file name. Files that display an image will display the same while other file formats such as PDF, Word Document, Excel spreadsheets, and Powerpoint presentations will convert into a image for the preview.






    X4Document Storage

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