X4 WO Requester Interface & Request Process

    1 - Work Orders Requests


    Work Order Requests are usually added by Requestor only users, who access eMaint through a very simple interface that allows them to add new WO Requests and track their progress until completion.


    WO Requests only become Work Orders after/if they are approved. The chart below explains the WO Request Process in eMaint.



    In this session we will briefly look at adding a basic WO Request as a requester only user. We will then demonstrate approving it into a Work Order.


    1.1 - WO Requester (Request only account)


    To create a New WO Request click the “Add New Request” button at the top right hand corner of the screen. This will bring up the WO Request Form for you to fill it out and save.



    This is a simplified form that contains only the necessary fields a requestor would need when requesting work. It is recommended to fill in all of the fields on the form to best describe the work that you are requesting. Fill in the information and then click on “Save New Record” when done.



    X4 Requester Interface


    As a Requester only user, you can potentially have four tabs in your account. The administrator will decide which tabs you will have access to.



    • In the “Rejected Work Requests” tab you will have access to the list of rejected requests and you will see the reason for rejection.

    • In the “Work Request History” you be able to view the list of Work Orders that were originated from your approved requests.

    • In the “Reports” Tab you will be able to run reports that were made available for you by the account administrator.




    To find records on the list you can utilize the filters above each column. You can input the word you are looking for, then click the filter icon and select an operator (Is equal to, contains, Ends with, etc). Click the CLEAR FILTER link anytime you need to see all records.




    1.2 - Approver


    Once a request has been entered in the system, it will be available in the request list waiting to be approved or rejected. Only approved requests are entered into the Work Order Center.

    A - From the request, select “Actions” and choose to Approve or Reject the request.

    B - After the request is approved the status changes from O for open to A for Approved.

    C - After a request is Approved, the approval memo is populated with the approval date, time, approver and the resulting work order number



    After approving the request, the resulting work order is opened up, then you will be able to edit it to assign it and add/modify information.



    When rejecting a request you will be able to provide a reason. Once the rejection is confirmed, the requester will receive an email with that reason.




    X4Work Requests

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