eU Learner Training Manual

    Section 1: Introduction

    This manual is designed to provide you with an overview of eMaint University.

    eMaint University is a Learning Management System (LMS) powered by Litmos. With our courses in an LMS, we can now provide an improved learning experience for all users that will include:

    • Interactive Training

    • Book marking – Module/video progress tracked and saved

    • Curriculum based learning

    • Certification

    • Reporting – Completion/Progress

    • Assignments – Learners can be assigned training instead of hunting for it

    • Improved searching

    • Cleaner Interface

    Upon completion of reading this manual, you should be able to:

    • Successfully navigate in eMaint University

    • Understand how to access Courses

    • Understand how to access Achievements

    Section 2: Roles with eMaint University (eU)

    Learner - By default all new people that you add to your EU account start off at the Learner level.

    • Learners only have access to the training that is assigned to them or is listed in the Course Library.

    • Learners can only view their own achievements or results.


    Team Leader – The Team Leader has the ability to manage all of the assigned people, teams, training and report on the results for their assigned team.


    Section 3: Learner View


    Everyone who has access to eMaint University is by default a Learner; the Team Leader has a dual role of administrator and learner. All Learners have the same home page view with the following:

    • Home

    • Course Library

    • Achievements



    Section 3a: Access to eMaint University (eU)

    How you access eMaint University will depend on your set-up of the eMaint application; you will either click on…


    1. Account Name


    2. My Shortcuts


    The system tiles will display as shown below and click on the eMaint University tile.

    You will be redirected to the eMaint University site and you will automatically be signed in with your eMaint login credentials.



    Section 3b: Home page

    The Learner view has three tabs:

    • Home

    • Course Library

    • Achievements

    Home is where you will see the “Courses to do” section. This is where the learner will find Courses or Learning Paths assigned to them by their Team Leader.


    Courses are either a single module or a collection of training modules covering a particular subject or topic. Where the Learning Path is a collection of Courses organized in sequence to allow Learners to proceed from course to course seamlessly in order to complete a training program. To access the list of courses in a Learning Path, click on the link.


    The Learning Path will open to show you the courses with the associated modules and assessments. It will display a short description of the course and time needed to complete, along with the completion percentage and status of each module and assessment. All modules and assessments must be completed in order for the course to be considered 100%; the only exception is if the administrator has indicated it as “optional” which will next to the title.

    Click on the module name to start the training session.


    The module presentation will open in a new window with a blue title bar at the top.


    Always use the EXIT on the title bar when you finished with a module in order to receive proper credit for the modules and assessments.

    The collapsible menu icon on the left will show you all of the associated modules and assessments for this particular course. In this example the course is X4 – Asset Management and there are two modules and one assessment.


    The module player will appear as follows:


    1. Navigation buttons (rewind, play, forward, and backward)

    2. Progress Bar

    3. Volume and Closed Caption (if available)

    4. Title Search icon

    5. Table of Contents

    6. Viewing Area


    Section 3c: Course Library

    The next tab is the Course Library. This tab shows all of the courses that are available to the Learner and Team Leader for self-sign up. If you choose a course here, it will then appear in your “Courses to do” list on the home page. These courses are optional and the Learner should check with their Team Leader before choosing any additional courses from the Course Library.



    1. Search bar – this will search the title and description of courses and learning paths.

    2. Learning Paths will always be listed first then followed by courses

    3. Best Practices Webinars are recorded guest speaker webinars.

    4. Courses will also show 0% completion if you have never viewed or been assigned.

    5. Web-Workshops are recorded presentations given by eMaint employees.

    6. Courses will show 100% completion if you have already taken this course.



    Just to the right of the course library listing you will see a few other ways to search for content.

    1. Recently Viewed are the last five courses you viewed.

    2. All categories is a drop-down listing of the various courses categories you can choose to view.

    3. Popular Categories by topic and type.



    Section 3d: Achievements

    The last tab is for the Learner is Achievements. When a Learner completes a course (100%) they get an achievement entry. These achievements stick around whether the student is still assigned to the course or not. Also, if you have a certificate attached to your course, it will appear in the achievements area so that it can be download at any time. The certificate is a PDF file which can be downloaded or printed.



    Sample Certificate of Completion

    1. Achievements are a list of completed courses.

    2. Course title with date of achievement.

    3. Certificate is available for download and printing.

    4. Badges and Points may be assigned by the administrator for tracking purposes.




    Section 4: My Profile & Settings | Documentation | Sign-Out

    In the upper right corner of the screen banner you will find the following items:

    1. My Profile & Settings

    2. Documentation

    3. Sign-Out



    My Profile & Settings


    NOTE: The Learner only has permission to change their password and upload a profile picture when selecting Edit my Profile. Contact Your Team Leader if you need to make any other changes to your profile.


    A user can upload an image to enhance their profile.  A user, including administrators and account owners, can change only their own Profile Picture and do not have the ability to change another user’s picture. You can change your profile picture by navigating to My Profile in the top right hand of the window and clicking Upload a profile picture.  Click Choose File, select the image file and select Upload.  It may take a few minutes for the image to show up on the user’s profile.



    When you click on the Documentation link you will be redirected to the eMaint Customer Community Knowledge Base. You can search for articles that pertain to the eMaint CMMS application (X3 & X4).





    Clicking on this link will sign-out the user from eMaint University.


    Section 5: Conclusion

    Now, you should know be able to….

    • Successfully navigate in eMaint University

    • Understand how to access Learning Paths, Courses, Modules, and Assessments

    • Understand how to access Achievements and download Certificates


    If you have any further questions about eMaint University, please contact your Team Leader or the eMaint University System Administrator.


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    Hello, I’m your eMaint Assistant, here to help you with any of your eMaint related questions. To learn more about me click here

    Before we get started, can you tell me which product you need assistance with, X4 or X5?