eU Team Leader Training Manual

    Section 1: Introduction

    This manual is designed to provide you with an overview of eMaint University.

    eMaint University is a Learning Management System (LMS) powered by Litmos. With our courses in an LMS, we can now provide an improved learning experience for all users that will include:

    • Interactive Training

    • Book marking – Module/video progress tracked and saved

    • Curriculum based learning

    • Certification

    • Reporting – Completion/Progress

    • Assignments – Learners can be assigned training instead of hunting for it

    • Improved searching

    • Cleaner Interface


    Upon completion of reading this manual, you should be able to:

    • Successfully navigate in eMaint University

    • Understand the differences in the roles

    • Discuss people and team

    • Assign Courses to Teams and People

    • Access reports

    Section 2: Roles with eMaint University (eU)

    Learner - By default all new people that you add to your EU account start off at the Learner level.

    • Learners only have access to the training that is assigned to them or is listed in the Course Library.

    • Learners can only view their own results.


    Team Leader – The Team Leader (eMaint Admin User) has the ability to manage all of the assigned training and report on the results for the people on their assigned team.

    • Team leaders have full control over their team and also any sub-teams under that team.

    • Team leaders can add/remove training courses to any teams they control.

    • Team leader can add/remove people to teams they control.

    • Team leaders have access to all available reports for the results of people on their team.

    • Team leaders cannot create or edit courses.

    • Team leaders cannot change any account settings, logo, custom messages etc.


    Section 3: Team Leader View

    The Team Leader (eMaint Admin User) role in eMaint University provides a level of permission that allows them to create users in their own teams, create sub-teams, assign training courses to those users/teams, and monitor and report their results. The Team Leader cannot create or edit training courses.

    NOTE: Team Leaders can also deactivate and delete users, so it is very important to understand the role and responsibilities.

    To access eMaint University will depend on your set-up, you will either click on:

    1. Account Name


    2. My Shortcuts


    The system tiles will display as shown below and click on the eMaint University tile.


    You will be redirected to the eMaint University site and automatically signed in with your eMaint login credentials. The Team Leader landing or home page will be similar to this example shown below.


    Section 3a: Home page

    Team Leader view has Five tabs:


    • Dashboard – Provides information to the Team Leader specific to his assigned team.

    • People – Provides access to all people assigned to the Team Leader.

    • Teams – Provides access to all teams and sub-teams assigned to the Team Leader.

    • Reports – Provides access to reporting for all assigned people and teams/sub-teams.

    • Messages – Provides access to the messaging center for sending and receiving message within eMaint University.




    The Dashboard consists of:

    1. Total Courses, Active Courses, and Total Users on this team.

    2. Activity for the team during the past 30 days.

    3. News provided by the eMaint University System Administrator.

    4. Team Reports shortcut link.

    5. Recently viewed people and/or teams.

    6. Quick Actions shortcut links.



    Section 3b: People & Teams


    This tab will provide you with access to the all the people that are associated with your team.


    Clicking on the User Name will allow you to drill down into the learners:

    • Recent Activity

    • Achievements

    • Points and Badges

    • Courses/Learning Paths

    • Teams/Schedule

    • Contact Details

    • Upload a profile picture

    • Edit User

    • Reset Password



    This tab will provide you with a list of teams and sub-teams assigned to the Team Leader.


    Clicking on the Team name will show you the People on the team, Courses assigned, Team Library, and the Team settings (Team Name and Description). The Team Leader can also add a new person to the team; assign people to this team; add a new team under this team (sub-team).



    Section 3c: Assigning Training

    Note:  A Team Leader may only assign courses that they have already been assigned to by the system administrator or through course self-sign up in the Learner View. The Team Leader can verify the courses that have been assigned to them by clicking on their name and then clicking on the courses tab.



    There are 2 ways to assign training:

    1. Team

    2. People

    Assign by Team

    1. To assign a course to an entire team; click on the Team tab.

    2. Click on the Team Name.

    3. Click on the Courses Tab.

    4. Then click on the Assign Courses green button

    5. Select the course by clicking the check box to the left of the course title.

    6. Click on the green Assign button.







    Assign by People

    1. To assign a course to team members; click on the People tab.

    2. Select the name of the user.

    3. Click on the Courses tab.

    4. Click the green Assign to Course button.

    5. Select the course by clicking on the check box to the left of the course title.

    6. Click on the green Assign button.








    Section 4: Reports

    The “Reports” tab gives you access to real-time results, enabling you to easily keep track of individual trainee progress or compare the results of teams within your organization.  



    Reports Home

    The reports home screen is your starting point for accessing all of the different types of reports.  This screen also has some basic information about your eU account as a whole.

    From the home screen, you can jump to the:

    • Account Overview – Did you know? (last 30 Days)

    • Create a Report (custom)

    • Quick Reports

    • Usage Reports

    • Most active Courses

    • Most active People


    Create a Report

    Press the green Create a Report button. Then you can choose between User Results or Team Comparison.





    Select the report criteria – users, courses, date range, inactive users/results included – then press the
    ‘Run Report’ button.

    The report can either be downloaded on your PC, as a PDF report, or scheduled to be exported and sent to an email address as a CSV report.





    You can choose:

    • Format: CVS or Custom**

    • Frequency: Daily, Every Monday, 1st of every month, just once

    NOTE: If you want to export report data in a format other than CSV you do this using a Custom export format. Contact the eMaint University Administrator via email if you require additional information on custom reports.

    The custom format allows you to enter:

    • the names of the fields you want to export

    • the order of the fields

    • any extra text or field delimiters

    Quick Reports

    All of the Quick Reports in eU have a similar look and in most cases you can drill down further for more results by clicking the blue text within a report. Here is an example of a Quick Report for People.





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