


    The next step is to add fields to the report. First, click the Columns tab. The left side of this screen has the heading Tables and shows the table(s) that the report is using. The right side, which is marked OutputColumns, will list the fields that are on the report.



    To select the fields you wish to add, click the folder icon next to the name of the table.



    A window will appear, showing all of the fields for that table.



    Check the boxes of the fields you want to add to your report and click the Save button to add them. As fields are added, they will be shown in the right section of the screen, under the OutputColumns heading. Add all of the fields that you wish to see on the report.





    The section under the OutputColumns heading shows the fields in the correct order. You can modify the order in which they’ll display on the report by dragging and dropping the fields in this area. You can also edit the properties of a field by clicking the pencil icon, or remove a field by clicking the trashcan icon.



    Click the trashcan icon on a row, to remove that field from this screen. It will not be displayed when you run the report. Clicking the pencil icon will bring up the Properties window, which you can use to modify the field.




    The Properties window allows you to fine-tune the behavior and look of the specific fields. To modify the properties go to the Columns tab and click the pencil icon for the field you wish to adjust.



    When you do this, you will see a screen similar to the one below. The very top of the form tells you the name of the report you are working with and also the name of the field whose properties you are modifying.



    The properties available to modify vary depending on the type of field (text, numeric, memo, logical, or date) chosen to modify.


    • DisplayFont – Choose the font type for this field.
    • FontSize – Choose the size of font for this field.
    • FontColor – Choose the color for this field.
    • ColumnWidth – Change the width of the column to better see the information contained in it.
    • GroupBand – Works in conjunction with Displayrecordtotals on the report header to display a totals band by group instead of simply seeing a total at the end of the report. The band will only function for the first field in the sort order.
    • DisplayTotals – If you’re using a numeric field, this displays the total of the values at the bottom of the report.
    • DisplayFunction – Defines what function will be performed on this field when the report is generated.



    X3System Administration

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