
    The heart of eMaint X3 is work order management. Work orders are the vehicles for recording the activities you perform, the physical documents you provide the people performing the work, and the tracking device for all related activities. The Work Order tab is the central location for all work performed in eMaint. This document briefly discusses the...
    Work Orders can be printed from either the Work Order tab by clicking the Print link on the detail view (single) or by printing a filtered group of work orders using the Work Order Print Manager (multiple). Printing a single work order To print...
    There are two methods available for generating PM Work Orders: Manual or Automatic. Manual PM Generation PM Work Orders are manually generated with the Manually Generate link on the individual PM schedules or the menu item called Generate PM Work Orders. To generate a...
    PM Tasks is a feature that can save you an enormous amount of time when creating PMs for your assets. Normally, you would enter a PM's description each time, which can be a daunting task when you're creating several PMs. A PM task allows you to create, very descriptive, maintenance procedures and then associate that PM task to your PM...
    Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules allows you to set up routine procedures to keep your assets running smoothly. 1 - Overview of PM schedules The PM Scheduling tool is both powerful and flexible. It enables you to establish calendar-based and/or meter-based PM schedules to an...
    The new interface in version 11 uses tabs to navigate to the most common areas of your account. Click the desired tab to open the page. Another new feature of version 11 is persistent tabs. An example of this is when you are looking at work order number 256 in the work...
    There are several categories, or types, of contacts that are tracked in eMaint X3. The categories include Employee, Contractor, Supplier, Location, Customer, and Tenant. It is important to establish your list of contacts so you can assign employees or contractors to tasks and work orders or assign suppliers to parts. Click the Contacts tab to access your system’s contacts. ...
    The Parts File Information, accessed by clicking the Parts tab, contains your inventory information. List View The List View contains the fields from the parts table that are most helpful in filtering and locating parts in your inventory. ...
    Throughout this text you may see references to other manuals. This manual is provided in conjunction with the Overview training course and is intended as an overview for users to get familiar with the common features of the application. Other training courses and the corresponding manuals that are provided with the trainings...
    The X3 software is capable of logging each manual work order email and storing that log in a related table at the bottom of each work order in the detail view. This related table will be automatically created when the first email is logged. On a work order that has one or more logged emails, you will see a record...
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