PM Generation

    There are two methods available for generating PM Work Orders: Manual or Automatic.




    PM Work Orders are manually generated with the ManuallyGeneratelink on the individual PM schedules or the menu item called GeneratePMWorkOrders. To generate a single PM with today's date, click ManuallyGenerate from the PM schedule itself. You will be immediately shown the new work order in a separate window. You can print or email from that screen.


    If you wish to generate a group of PMs at once, use the GeneratePMWorkOrders menu option (shown below) and indicate the date through which the PM's should be generated. It is optional to utilize any of the filters.



    Click Proceed to preview the PM's that are due to be generated through the date indicated. The list of PM's to be generated will appear on screen.



    Use the drop-down list under Action and select GeneratePMs, then click Proceed. The resulting PM work orders will be listed with the work order numbers assigned. Above the list of generated work orders are options to either PRINTthesePMWorkOrdersorEMAILthesePMWorkOrders. Select the output that you desire by clicking either option.



    These open PM work orders that appear on the list are now available in the Work Order Center. To see the detail of one of the work orders on the list, click on the individual work order number and the work order will display in a new screen. The Asset and the Last PM Work Order No. links can also be clicked to view its details in a new window.


    ManualGeneration (OnDemand)


    On the toolbar of each PM schedule detail screen, there is a link called ManuallyGenerate, which is located in the Actions menu. This feature allows you to bypass the assigned schedule for the PM and generate the PM on demand. It will also reset the time/meter to the next PM. For example, if your monthly PM is 2 weeks into its scheduled generation date and you manually generate it, the PM will reset and be generated in one month.




    Before the system will generate PMs automatically, certain settings must be in place. These settings are located in the PMSettings section of the ChangeYourSettings menu option. To permit automatic PM generation:

    • Make sure the DisableDailyPMGeneration & Email is not checked.

    • Indicate the File Type for the emails.

    • Enter the time the PMs are to be generated.

    • Click SavePMEmailSettings to save the settings.



    This setting also allows you to designate who the system will notify when PMs are generated.


    NOTE:InorderfortheAssignToandthePerformForcontactstoreceivetheworkordersviaemail, theindividualsmustbelistedintheMaintenanceContactsandhaveavalidemailaddressintheappropriatefield.



    X3Preventive Maintenance

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