Custom Filters

    In some parts of the system, such as the Scheduling tab or the PM manager, you will be able to create custom filters in order to find the records you need. The process is similar to that of creating a report. You will often see a screen like this that allows you to select, edit, or add filters.

    Filters can be created by clicking the + button next to the dropdown menu. To create a filter, follow these steps:

    1. Type in the name you would like to give the filter. You can select the appropriate status for Public and Readonly and then click the floppy disk icon on the right to create the filter.

    • You will be taken to the Filter Options screen, which looks a lot like the report writer. From this screen, select a field you wish to use from the dropdown menu at the bottom right and click the blue + sign.

    • You'll see that the field has been added to the area above. Unlike the report writer, you only need to select the fields on which you're going to place filters.

    • Click the light gray funnel icon to the right of the field you've just added. This will bring up the Update Criteria window. Select an operator, such as Equals and put a value in the Criteria field. Then, click the Update button.

    To edit an existing filter, simply select it from dropdown and click the pencil or edit icon. This will bring you to the same window you just used to define your filter. The process works the same way.

    Filter Functions

    Within the custom filtering, you also have the ability to setup a function that looks up data based on specific instructions such as The Field is Blank. To use a function, click on the magnifying glass next to the field you want to edit.

    The Update Function Screen displays a few different functions options for the user to choose from. After selecting the function from the dropdown, click the Update button to update the filter.



    X3System AdministrationFiltering

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