There are several data items that can be viewed in detail, including Work Orders, PM's, Assets, Parts, Contacts, etc. When you are in the Detail view/edit you are viewing/editing a single record in the database. Any changes that you make will only be made to the record that you are viewing.
Across the top of the Detail View page are several options that allow you to manipulate the record. From left to right the following Primary commands are:
- Add – When selecting this feature a blank record is presented so that you may populate it and create a new record. You can then fill in as much detail as you wish for the record. Once the data has been entered you have the choice of saving or canceling the new record.
- Copy/Add – Works primarily the same as Add, except the Copy/Add command will auto-populate the fields on the new record with the data from the record you were viewing before selecting Copy/Add. You can then populate the empty fields as necessary and make modifications or additions to the populated fields. As with the Add feature after entry you have the choice of either saving or canceling the modifications.
- Edit – Allows you to make changes to a record. The only fields that may not be edited are keyfields (such as ID numbers for work orders, parts or assets) or "read-only" fields. After editing a record, you have the choice of saving or canceling the changes.
- Delete – Will "Mark For Deletion" the record you are viewing. As a precaution, we have also provided an Undelete command that will appear in place of Delete once you have deleted a record. Clicking Undelete will restore the deleted record and no information will be lost
- List – Returns you to the list view.
- Previous – Displays the previous Detail record in the database (based on the ID field).
- Next – Displays the next Detail record in the database (based on the ID field).
- Goto – Allows you to navigate directly to a record by entering the keyfield and pressing the Goto button.
In addition to the Primary commands for the detail view, there are additional commands that are specific to the data items for Contacts, Work Orders, Assets and Parts as follows:
- History – On the contact’s Detail view this command will display the work order history information associated with the record you are viewing, such as Work Order Number, Work Order Date, Work Order Type, Status, Assign To and Perform For person, Completed Date (if any), Brief Description and Total Dollars. The Work Order No. has a hotlink, enabling you to click the link and have the detail screen for that Work Order display in a new window.
Work Orders:
- CloseOut – On the Work Order Detail view this command will allow the setting of the status of the record being viewed to be changed from 'O' (open) to 'H' (closed/history) and vice versa. Closing a work order signifies its completion to the system and to other users.
- Print – When selecting this command on the Work Order Detail view, a pop-up window will then appear with selected work order. Once the work order is displayed completely, you may also be given options at the lower right of the pop-up window in order to save or print this work order. Use the print icon in order to print a hard copy of the work order to a local/network printer. You may also choose the disk icon at this point to save the .pdf file to your local computer or network drive if you choose to do so.
- Purchase – This option will allow you to create a new purchase order specifically for the work order number that is currently open. After the purchase order has been saved, the items on order will appear in the Purchases table located under the work order form. Each line item will show the purchase order number,Item No, Description, quantity ordered, cost and extended cost. When the purchase order is received, the parts will be added to the Charges table automatically.
- History – On the asset’s Detail view this command will display the work order history information associated with the asset you are viewing, such as Work Order Number, Date, Type, Status, Assign To and Perform For person, Closed On (if closed), Brief Description and Total. The Work Order No. has a hotlink, enabling you to click the link and have the detail screen for that Work Order display in a new window.
- Charges – On the Asset’s Detail view this command will display all of the charge types (Employee, Parts, Supplier, Contractor, Misc.) that have been associated with that asset in the work order system. All the charges are displayed according to charge type, with a subtotal for each type and a grand total of charges at the bottom of the display. The fields that are displayed on the charges screen are Work Order Number (WO No.), Date, ID, Quantity, Unit and Extended Cost. The Work Order Number has a hotlink, enabling you to click the link and have the detail screen for that work order display in a new window.
- KeyChange –This command allows you to change the keyfield value for the data item you are viewing. When executed, a summary will list all of the tables that were adjusted to the new keyfield value.
Using the Parts Detail view, the additional commands are:
- Adjustments – On the Parts Detail view this command presents the adjustment screen and allows you to make an inventory adjustment to the data item you are viewing.
- History – On the Parts Detail view this command will display key information about all of the transaction history (Issues, Purchases, Receipts, Physical Counts, etc.) related to the part record that you are viewing. This table contains Transaction Type, Work Order Number (WO No.)/Type, Asset ID, Date, Quantity, Cost, Supplier, purchase order number and packing slip. On the "Issue" transactions, the Work Order numbers and Asset IDs have hot links, enabling you to click the link and have the Detail screen of that record display in a new window.
- KeyChange –This command allows you to change the keyfield value for the data item you are viewing. When executed, a summary will list all of the tables that were adjusted to the new keyfield value.
- Purchase – On the Parts Detail view this command allows you to create a purchase order record associated with the data item you are viewing.