Introduction to System Administration (User Rights)

    System Administration is the process of setting up and maintaining the system for the benefit of the users.



    Most of the system settings can be found in various places for your convenience, however the Administration section of the Navigation tab contains all of the system-wide settings. From there you may enter different screens to manipulate setup options, user permissions, screen displays, exporting data, and removing deleted records. These features not only enable you to modify how the system is used but also its look and feel.


    This document is organized to first explain the major administrative features then delve deeper into the administrative features located on the forms within the system.




    User Administration is a section located on the Navigation tab within the administration section. User Administration allows you to edit user login information as well as adjust user rights.



    When accessing information within User Administration, you will see a list of all of the users you have on your account. From here, you can see who is the administrator as well as any users that are work requestors. Using the pencil icon will allow you to edit the user rights of a user.





    From the eMaint User Rights screen, you can change user rights to restrict or enable different functionalities with the system.





    The user profile section allows you to change the users name, login name, email address, and password within eMaint.


    • UserAccount- User account is the first and last name associated to the user.

    • AccountID - The username that is used to log into the system.

    • EmailAddress - The user’s email address.

    • Password - Gives you the right to change a user’s password.

    • Passwordduration (days) - The amount of days until the system requires a new password. Leave at 0 to disable this feature or put -1 to force the user to change their password after logging in.

    • WorkRequestOnly? - Displays if the user is a work requestor.

    • Copyrightsto - Allows you to copy this user’s rights to another user in the system.




    Menu Items allows for the links that show up on your Navigation tab to show up for the designated user. Allowing the user to see the link does not designate them to being able to access that section. Those rights are in the next option.




    Additional Options grants permissions with precise control over specific menu options. Individual security functions typically control access rights to a menu item such as adding a new record, editing a record, and deleting a record. Below are a few examples of what the options do.


    • AccessFile - Allows you to access the files for the referenced table.

    • AddRecords - Allows you to add a record for that section within the system.

    • EditRecords - Gives the ability to edit records on this table.

    • DeleteRecords - Gives the ability to delete records for the designated table.

    • IssuePartsCharge - Allows you to issue parts charges from the asset.

    • IssueLaborCharge - Allows you to issue labor directly from the asset.

    • KeyChange - Allows you to change the value of the key field for the table.




    • AssetFile controls what users will be allowed to do with Asset records.

    • Chargescontrols access to all the charge options within Work Order Charges.

    • Contacts controls what users will be allowed to do with Maintenance Contacts records.

    • DataDictionary controls what users will be allowed to do with Data Dictionary records. This section of the system should be restricted to only those users who have System Administration training.

    • DocumentStoragecontrols user permissions within Document Storage.

    • FormLayout controls whether a user has the permission to customize the forms within the system.

    • FormOptions controls whether a user has permission to change the layout of list views in the system.

    • FormDictionary

    • FormList

    • ImportDatacontrols a user's ability to import data into the system

    • InvoiceFilecontrols the Invoice related table on the Purchase Order form.

    • MaintenanceCalendar controls the permissions to the Calendar.

    • MasterPartsListing (for those systems with a Master Parts file) controls whether users will be allowed to view that parts file.

    • MeterReadings controls what users will be allowed to do with Meter Readings.

    • MonitorClass

    • MonitorPointsMaster

    • MonitorPointsReadings

    • MonitorPointsforAsset

    • NameplateInfo controls what users will be allowed to do with the Nameplate information on assets.

    • NameplateLists controls what users will be allowed to do with Nameplate List records located in the Data Center.

    • PMAssignments controls what users will be allowed to do with the 'Assignments' table located on the PM form. Your account must have the Time Card/Planner module installed for this option to function.

    • PMFile controls what users will be allowed to do with the PM Schedules on assets.

    • PMProcedures controls what users will be allowed to do with PM Procedures located on the PM Schedules.

    • PMTasks controls what users will be allowed to do with the PM Task File Listing records.

    • PartLocations

    • PartsFile controls what users will be allowed to do with Inventory records.

    • PartsInformation contains permissions for specific inventory functions: receiving and purchasing parts, making adjustments and key changes. ['Create/Modify Purchase Order' will give a user permission to modify the PO header information and also to create a purchase order from a part.

    • PartsRequirements

    • ProjectFile controls what users will be allowed to do in the Project Master File.

    • PurchaseOrder controls what users will be allowed to do in the PO Center.

    • PurchaseOrderLineItems

    • PurchaseOrderMasterFile

    • RelatedAsset/PMParts controls what users will be allowed to do with the Related Parts table found on the Asset and the PM schedules forms.

    • Reports controls what users will be allowed to do within the query tools. Access will permit users to run reports existing reports only. 'Add' will permit a user the ability to add new reports the Query Builder. 'Edit' and 'Delete' permits the user to change and remove Public reports which are not marked as “read-only.” A user always has full control of his own reports.

    • RequestManager controls the general options users will be allowed to do within the Request Manager. To allow for permissions to process the requests, additional permissions must be assigned under the Work Request Center permissions area (see below).

    • Scheduler

    • Suppliers controls what users will be allowed to do with the Item Suppliers table available on the Parts records.

    • SystemFiltercontrols the creation of custom filters on the Group Close Out, PM Generation, and Scheduler screens.

    • TimeCardSettings controls what the user can do on the Time Card screen. These permissions can be ignored if the Time Card/Planner module is not installed.

    • WOProcedures controls what users will be allowed to do within the WO Procedures table available on work orders.

    • WorkOrderAssignments controls what users will be allowed to do with the Assignments table located on the Work Order form.

    • WorkOrderCenter contains specific permissions for work order functions: closing and re-opening work and creating charges on work orders.

    • WorkOrderInvoicescontrols what users are allowed to do on the Invoices related table located on the Work Order form.

    • WorkOrderRequest contains the permissions for processing work requests.

    • WorkOrderSign-onTracking

    • WorkOrderTypes controls what users will be allowed to do with Work Order Type records.

    • WorkOrders controls what users will be allowed to do with work orders.

    • WorkflowManager controls what users will be allowed to do with the Workflow manager.

    • SignatureSIgnoff

    • TaskProcedurescontrols the Task Procedures related table for Tasks.



    The right-hand column (Tabs) performs the same function as the Menu Items, except this applies to the system tabs that users can view within the system.


    X3System AdministrationUser Permissions

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