MX Mobile 2.0

    The new MX mobile makes it easier to take eMaint on the go and be able to complete all of the work that can be done in the normal desktop interface.

    Key Features


    • Create, view, approve/reject and assign work requests
    • Create, view and close out work orders
    • View, issue and return parts, and make parts adjustments
    • View, enter and adjust meter readings
    • View inventory history, perform a key change, purchase parts, and recalculate inventory quantities
    • Add and view assets, perform key changes, and add parts and labor charges
    • Access your X3 contacts and call them from your mobile phone
    • Upload images right from your mobile device and attach to records

    Activating Mobile 2.0

    To activate Mobile 2.0, click on My Account: Username on the top right hand corner of the screen. From the Account Settings screen, click the pencil icon next to General System Settings. On the bottom of the page for General System Settings, you will need to turn New Mobile 2.0 User Interface to activate the new mobile. Then save your settings.

    Mobile 2.0 Home Page

    To access Mobile 2.0, you would log into the eMaint system on your mobile device just as you normally would through the link On the home page, you will have two options on the top of the screen.

    Menu - Allows you to access the previous MX mobile features as well as access data for other tables in the system.

    Home - Takes you back to the home page.

    Home Page Menu

    When accessing the menu from the home page, you will see 2 sections:  

    • >eMaint MX - Menu gives you the options that were available on the previous mobile page.
    • >MX Data - Allows you to look up information for the table of choice depending on the field chosen to filter by.

    Work Requests

    Create Work Request - Allows you to create a request to be approved or rejected.

    Request Approvals - Shows pending requests waiting on approval.

    My Work Requests - Shows the work requests that the logged in user created.

    Work Orders

    My Work Orders - Shows open work orders assigned to the logged in user

    Signed On Jobs - Shows that work order that you are currently signed into.


    View Parts - Allows you to lookup parts to view and edit the data.

    Issue Parts - Gives the ability to issue parts to a work order.

    Return Parts - Allows you to return parts from a work order.

    Parts Adjustments - Creates a parts adjustment to either add or subtract inventory.

    Meter Readings

    Allows you to add meter readings by typing in an asset ID, selecting a meter type, and entering in your latest meter reading. A meter reset and adjustment can also be done from this screen.

    Requisition Approval

    Allows you to approve pending requisitions that are assigned to you for approval. This is only available on accounts using the requisition feature.

    MX Data

    Inventory - Lookup Parts within the system

    Assets - Lookup Asset within the system

    Work Orders - Lookup Work Orders within the system

    Contact Table - Lookup Contacts within the system

    Approving or Rejecting a Work Order Request

    Within Mobile 2.0, if you have the user rights you have the ability to approve and reject work order requests created within the system. This can be accessed by going to Work Requests > Request Approvals. From here you can choose the request that you want to review.

    Once you access a request, click on the menu button on the top left corner. This will give you the options to either add a new request, copy this request, and attach an image to the request. You also have the ability from the menu to Approve, Reject, or Print the Work Order Request.

    Work Order Sign-on/Sign Off

    You can easily manage your work orders on MX Mobile with smartphones and tablets. The Sign-On / Sign Off feature allows you to add labor charges to work orders more accurately. The system will calculate the time from when you clicked the Sign On button until the time when you clicked the Sign Off button and will add the a labor charge to that work order with the total time worked during those two events.

    To use this feature follow the steps below:

    • Click on Work Orders, then click on My Work Orders.
    • Now that you can see a list with all the Work Orders that are assigned to you, click on the WO that you need to work on.

    • Click the Sign On button at the bottom.
    • Let it run until you are done working on that WO, then press Sign Off and Confirm Sign Off on the next screen.

    Closing out work orders

    To close out a work order, you will first need to access the work order you are closing out. This can be done through either Work Orders under eMaint MX: Menu and then My Work Orders which shows you all work orders you are currently the Assign To contact to. Another method is going to Work Orders under MX Data and manually searching for the work order.

    Once you have accessed the work order, click on the Menu button in the top left hand corner. Here you have the ability to add a new work order or copy this work order. You also have the ability to Close Out the work order, Print the work order, create a Purchase order based off of this work order, and email this work order to someone else. You can also access the Related Tables associated to the work order.

    To close out the work order, click the Close Out button to complete the closeout process.

    Issuing and Returning Parts

    To Issue a part to a work order, open up the Menu from the Home page and select Parts under the eMaint MX:Menu section. From here, select the Issue Parts option be begin issuing a part. Begin by choosing an Item Number for the parts issue and then the Work Order Number to attach it to. If you are using Multi-Location Inventories, you can choose the location to attach it to from here. Select the Qty amount to charge to the Work Order and the Account Number if required. Once the data has been entered, click Process to proceed to the next screen.

    Once you process the parts issue, the next screen allows you to review information on the part as well as what your current on-hand stock for the location chosen. If the Qty on hand is lower than the Issue Qty, the transaction will be rejected and you will be taken to the previous screen if a Post is attempted. Once you confirm your data is correct, click Post to finalize the part issue. If no error message appears, then the part issue has been completed successfully.

    To Return a part from a work order, open up the Menu from the Home page and select Parts under the eMaint MX:Menu section. From here, select the Return Parts option be begin issuing a part. Begin by choosing a Work Order Number for the part return and then the Part Number to return into inventory. You can also choose the Employee Number (ContactID) to attach to the return. Once the data has been entered, click Continue to proceed to the next screen.

    Once you continue to the next menu, you will get a menu that shows the Transaction for the part chosen on the work order and how many were issued. You can also see the current Onhand Qty for the part. In the Return Qty field, enter in the total amount of parts to be returned and then click on Return Parts to complete the transaction.

    Viewing Asset History

    To view Asset History to review all work orders associated to an asset, click the Menu button from the Home page and select Assets from the MX Data Menu. You will be taken to a screen to find an asset. Select a filter to search by and look for an asset in your system and then click List Matches. You will then get a list of all assets that match your filter criteria. Click on the Asset ID to proceed to the detailed view of the asset.

    From the Asset detail view, click on the Menu button in the top left hand corner. Under the Actions section, there is an option for History. Clicking this button will allow you to view the entire work order history of the asset.

    Adding Images to Records

    When creating Work Order Requests, you can also embed an image on the form to better explain the issue. If you don't already have an image field on the WO Request Mobile form, you will first need to create it. To learn how to create this type of field search for the "Document Storage" manual available here or call support for help.

    Once the Document Storage field exists on the request form, you will be able to embed images into it. To do so, you will first need to create a new request (as demonstrated below) or navigate to an existing request.

    After you save your new request, hit the Continue button, then click the Menu button at the left hand corner, then hit Upload Attach File Image.

    Now choose a file from your computer, type in a Document Description, then hit Save and you are done.

    Creating Mobile Forms

    When you first switch to the most recent version of MX Mobile you will need to create your Mobile forms. These forms will be used in addition to the default form for the work order, parts, assets, or contacts. They may be customized to include or exclude any of the available fields to the mobile forms, so you can make MX Mobile your own. To make these changes you will need to be in the full site.

    In the Example Below, we will demonstrate how to create the Work Order Form for the Mobile interface:

    • Click on the Navigation tab at the top of the page. Then click on Manage forms, under the Administration section.
    • The easiest way to create a new form is to copy the original and format it from there. First, we need to find the form we want to copy. Search for the table for which you are creating the form by typing the table name into the Form Table filter box. In this example, type in WORK (this is the system name for the WO table), then hit Enter on your keyboard.
    • Once you find the Default form, click on its Unique ID to go into this record.

    • Hover over the Add button in the left hand corner, then select Copy/Add from the dropdown.
    • The Unique ID will automatically update with a unique value and you will want to keep the Form Table the same as well. The two fields that you need to change are Form ID and Description. The Form ID differentiates the fields that appear on each form. The description field is what you will see when selecting a field. For this exercise type X3MOBILE into the Form ID field and Mobile Form into the Description, then hit Save New Record.

    Now you are ready to customize your Mobile form. There are 2 ways you can access the design mode of this new form:

    Stay where you are (in the Form List form), then:

    1. Click on the Actions button and then on Configure, which will take you to the Design Mode for that particular form. Also, because we copied from the original (Default) form, the new one should mimic the one you had.
    2. You can now configure this form to match your requirements.




    Navigate to the Work Orders table, then on any WO record access the Customize Form, select Mobile Form and start customizing the form.

    To create the Other forms you will just need to find the proper Form Table then repeat the same process demonstrated above. Here's a list of the Table names you will need:

    Work Orders - WORK

    Assets - COMPINFO

    Parts - ARINVT01

    Requests - REQUEST

    Customizing MX Mobile Forms

    Customizing MX Mobile forms is very simple. Specially if you are already familiar with the Form Design feature. To customize these forms (Work Orders, Assets, Parts, etc) you will need to be in the full site and navigate to the form you would like to make changes to.

    Before learning how to customize the form, let’s take a minute to see what the Work Order form looks like on both the full site and MX Mobile (See Image Below).

    Notice that fields on the Work Order form on MX Mobile were customized from the WO Mobile form in the full site.

    In this example, we will add the Downtime field to the Work Order Form on the Mobile interface. To do so, you will need to: A - Hover over Options > Hove over Customize Form > Click on Mobile Form; B - Click on a existing yellow folder or add one where you would like to have it; and C - Select the field you want to add to the Mobile form and you are done.

    Now when accessing existing WOs or creating new ones through MX Mobile the field will be on the form.




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