PM Setup for Scheduling Condition Monitoring Readings

    Figure 5-1 - A PM schedule set up with the CM Work Order Type


    PM Setup for Scheduling Condition Monitoring Readings


    For each monitor class associated with each asset, users may create a Condition Monitoring reading schedule to generate a work order representing reading collection. This work order will be automatically completed upon adding readings for that asset’s matching monitor class. To set up a schedule for Condition Monitoring readings to be taken, complete these steps:


    1. Go to the asset you want to schedule readings for and add a new PM schedule.

    2. Input a value of “CM” for the Work Order Type. This field may need to be added to the PM form. (Field name pm_type)

    3. Fill in all other information on the PM as normal.


    More information on adding PMs can be found on these pages:




    X3Preventive MaintenanceCondition Monitoring

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