Requisition Cart (Creating Requisitions)

    Within eMaint, there are two different types of requisitions in the system. There are Standard and Stock requisitions.


    StandardRequisition - Allows you to choose the approval group and any parts (inventory) in the system to be sent for approval to be purchased. Once the requisition has been approved, it will then become a pending purchase order that can be processed into an actual purchase order.


    StockRequisitions - Takes parts that are below the Re-Order quantity and auto-assigns them to an approval group based on administrator settings. These parts can then be chosen from the stock requisition cart to be sent for approval. Once the part is sent for approval, the following processes are identical to standard requisitioning.




    From the Navigation tab, choose the Requisition Cart option. This link will display parts that are currently pending in the requisition cart to be sent for approval sorted by the supplier. You can also create standard requisitions by clicking the AddNewReqlink on the top of the screen.



    From the first screen, you can choose the Supplier ID that you want to purchase parts from as well as the Approval Group to be used for the requisition. If the Approval Group box is blank, you will want to go back to the Approval Groups section and create a group.



    After saving the record, you will be taken to another screen to choose the part you want to request for the requisition. Here you can choose the part, enter the quantity, fill in a required date, and add an account #. There are also options to associate this requisition to a specific work order (when selecting a WO, the Asset ID will populate automatically).



    After adding parts to the Requisition, all parts for the selected supplier can be pushed from the cart into the Requisition Approval Queue using the Magnifying Glass icon.



    A popup will show all the parts in the cart for the supplier and you can either add additional lines, or submit the parts for approval. When submitting a requisition, either a single part or multiple parts can be selected to move on to the approval queue.



    Once the parts have been submitted, an Approval Queue option will appear with all the users who have the right to approve the requisition. The Asked? checkbox will need to be marked to use this approver.



    If the requisition is an emergency or there is a speciality group that can also approve requisitions, these options can be selected using the MoreApproversLink under the Next? option.






    When a part in the system is below the re-order quantity, the system can use the CreateStockRequisitions link on the Navigation tab to push these parts automatically into the stock requisition cart.



    From the Stock Requisition Cart the “send for approval” process is identical to how you would do it for Standard Requisitions. The only difference would be accessing the “Stock Requisition Cart” compared to using the regular Requisition Cart.






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