Approval Groups

    Approval Groups are the different groups of users that can approve a requisition based on the group chosen. You can access Approval Groups under the Navigation Tab within the Requisitions section.



    Once on the “Approval Groups” list you can click the “Add New Record” button to create a new group.




    Routing Codes is the main record for the Approval Group. Here you can determine the name of the approval group as well as a description. You can also reference if the approval group is related to a project in the system and fill out the project number the group is attached to.





    Approval Group Users are the X3 users that can make requisition requests and users that can approve requisitions assigned to the group. You can set up approval limits on a per user level and require multiple people to approve a requisition before it gets approved into a pending purchase order.





    When creating Requisitions you will be required to select an account number. At that time you be be able to select any account number from the ones you have previously added to the approval group. You can enter in the account numbers by adding the records into the “Approval Group Accounts” related table.



    Once your approval group has been setup with Users (Requisitioners and Approvers) and you have at least one Approval Group Account, requisitioners will be able to start creating requisitions against that group.






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