Work Order Administration Options

    The Account Settings page allows you to manage the way your work orders are edited and emailed. This page is accessible by clicking the My Account  link on the top right of the header bar or clicking the Change Your Settings  link in the Administration section of the Navigation  tab.

    Work Order Email Settings

    This page is used to configure the email defaults for work orders.

    The sections "New Work Orders" and "Closed Work Orders" are used to manage the email notification defaults when a work order is created and closed. The four options are the Administrator , the Perform For  person on a work order, the Assign To  person on a work order, and the Requestor  if this work order was created by a Work Order Request. Click Yes  to send an email to the person each time a work order is created and/or closed.

    The Work Order Request Notification setting is used to send an email when a new work request has been entered. Send Email to Notification Group  turns this feature on and off. The Enable 'Take Ownership' Link  switch places a link in the email to allow the recipient to approve the request and assign himself/herself to it. This feature requires the recipient to have a Contact file with a valid email address and the Send Notification Email?  field set to True on the contact record.

    The last section allows you to choose the subject line for your work order emails.

    Click Save Settings  to save any changes or click Cancel  to go back to the Account Settings page.

    General Work Order Settings

    This section allows you to set the general work order settings.

    • The first option disables the ability to edit closed work orders. This option will also prohibit charges from being added to a closed work order.
    • To prohibit the administrator from reopening a closed work order, set the Allow admin user to reopen work orders  option to Off .
    • The next option handle the HTML printout display. If set to On , this will display the work order charges related table on the form when printing a work order.
    • The next option displays the current work order number. If required, you can change the next work order number by placing a new value here. Please note the number cannot be lower than the current value.
    • The Payrate Information Available on Labor Charge Panel  option will determine whether the information for a contact's rate will be on the labor charge screen.
    • The Hide Add Quick Parts Button in Work Order Charges  allows you to remove the option to use Add Quick  on the charges table.
    • Default Name and Category to Assign to on New Labor Charges takes the information from the assign to person and defaults them to the work orders labor charge.
    • Enable Multiple Work Orders to be assigned to contacts in Scheduler?  allows you to assign a single or multiple contacts to one or more work orders within the scheduler.

    User Administration

    Be sure to carefully consider the permissions you are granting users. The screens below are the options that are associated with the work order process.



    X3System AdministrationWork Orders

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