Create a Check Box Field

    To add a check box field to any form within eMaint, you will want to follow the steps below to either create a new check box field or to edit an existing field to allow it to function as a check box field.

    1.  Go into the section you want to add a check box field (Example: Work Orders) and then go into Options / Customize Form.

    2.  After entering design mode, click on the yellow folder icon to either create a new field or add an existing field to the form.

    HINT: If editing an existing field on the form, skip to step 4

    3.  Create the field by putting in a unique field name as well as the Description name that you want to see on the form.  For the field type, you want to use a logical field when creating a check box.

    4.  Once the field has been created, click the wrench and screwdriver icon to enter the field's properties.

    5.  Once you are in the fields General Properties, click on the link on the bottom left hand corner called "Data Dictionary".

    6.  After you enter the data dictionary, we need to edit two fields.

    Lookup? = True
    Clooktype = CHECKBOX

    7.  After saving the changes, the checkbox field has now been created for use.


    X3System AdministrationForm Design

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