How do I Change a Username to Replace a Former Employee?

    1. On the Navigation tab, under Administration, click User Administration.

    2. In the User Administration screen, click on the pencil icon next to the user we are trying to replace.

    3. On the eMAINT Users Rights screen, edit the User Account, Account ID, and Email Address fields to match the new user's information.

      User Account - Full name of the user
      Account ID - The username that the person will use to access eMaint (10 character max limit)
      Email Address - The users email address.

    4. Click the Save button to save the new user.

      NOTE: If the username change fails, this means that another person using eMaint software is already using the Account ID. You may need to try this a few times until a unique username is created.

    5. After saving, the new user will be created with the same rights as the former user.

    6. From here you will either want to change the accounts password from the Users Rights page in the image above or by having the new user use the Forgot Password? link located at the login page for eMaint. They can type in their username and email and receive a temporary password. Once they log in for the first time using a temporary password, the system will prompt them to type in a new password for future use.


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