PM Tasks & PM Procedures

    Before creating maintenance schedules on your equipment, you should create a list of the tasks to be performed on those assets. In the eMaint system, these tasks are called PMTasks. A PM Task can be assigned to multiple PM Schedules, which will allow you to manage task changes very easily by editing the PM Task, then publishing it to all associated PM Schedules.


    The PM Tasks link is located in the Navigation tab, under the section marked PM Center. From the list view, you can add new tasks by clicking the AddNewRecord link in the upper right corner or you can access one of the existing records for viewing or editing by clicking on the task number, magnifying glass or the pencil icon of the selected PM task. Another way to access PM tasks is by going to the PMCenter tab and clicking the TaskLibrary button on the left.




    METHOD 1 - Create a Task Procedure and write (or paste) all the procedures into a single field in the Task form (Detailed Description).


    • Advantages: It’s faster method to build a task library. You can quickly create these tasks manually (or through Data Import) since you can copy procedures from existing documents that you may have and paste them into a single Multi Text field.

    • Disadvantages: If you are planning on putting a check mark or writing comments when completing each procedure (using a computer or mobile device), it will be very time consuming to edit the “Detailed Description” and find the end of each procedure to write notes there.

    The PM Task Detail Screen is a very small form, making tasks easy to add. To create a task using this first method you will need to populate the fields below:

    • TaskNo. - This field is the unique identifier for the task.

    • BriefDescription - This field is for defining the task.

    • DetailedDescription - This field is an unlimited text field that can contain as much information as you wish. You can either write the procedures here or you can paste them from any existing document you may have

    • Make sure to click “Save New Record” when you are done.



    AddingTaskstoPMSchedules (METHOD 1)

    After creating a task you will be able to select it when setting up a PM schedule. On the PM schedule form there’s a field called “Task No” that when clicked will give you a popup window displaying all the tasks previously saved in your task library.

    After selecting the desired task, the “Brief Description” and the “Detailed Description” fields will be automatically populated with the information contained in the task.




    When a task change, it would be time consuming if you had to navigate to each PM Schedule and make the necessary adjustments. The PM Tasks make this process much easier by allowing you to adjust the PM Task, then publish those adjustments to each associated PM Schedule.


    • First, edit the PM Task, make your adjustments then click Save Changes.

    • Click the Publish link located under the Actions menu on command bar.

    • You will be presented with the task so you may review it one last time before publishing. When you are ready, click the Update button.



    NOTE: Upon completion, you will be presented with a list of Assets that were updated with the task changes.


    METHOD 2 - Create the Task then add the procedures separately in the “Task Procedures” related table.


    • Advantages: Choosing this method will allow you to easily add comments, mark procedures as completed, pass or fail each WO procedure (if your account is configured with these options), etc. In addition, if you are using a mobile device it will be very simple to go through the WO procedures making sure that you are quickly recording everything that needs to be recorded for each procedure. Also, there are configurations available that will add extra functionality to the WO Procedures table. A good example of that is a configuration that will automatically create a WO for failed procedures (Ifyouwanttolearnmoreaboutthistypeofconfiguration, pleasecontacttheeMaintServicesTeam).

    • Disadvantages: It’s a little bit more time consuming to create or import procedures using this method. However, once everything is in the system, it will not only be easier to manage the procedures in Work Orders, but as mentioned before, it will also offer you more configuration options than the first Method.


    Below the task information there’s a related table called TaskProcedures. These are the procedures that you would attach to a PM when you want to store each procedure as an individual record.


    To use this method you first need to create a task. This time you are NOT going to add all the procedures in the “Detailed Description” field. You can use this field to give general instructions about the procedures.


    After saving the Task, you will see the “Task Procedures” table right below the task form. In that section, click the add button and start creating the tasks separately, one at the time (this can also be done using the data import tool).



    IfyoudontseethetaskProcedurestableunderthetaskformitsbecauseitsnotondisplay. Todisplaythistable, hoveroverOptions”, clickonManageRelatedTables”, thencheckthedisplaybox.

    When you are done adding all the procedures, your task will look similar to the one demonstrated below:


    AddingTaskstoPMSchedules (METHOD 2)


    Now you will be able to associate this task with any PM schedule. On the PM schedule form, select the desired task into the “Task No” field. This process is very similar to the one demonstrated for the first method. The only difference is that after selecting the Task Number on the PM Schedule form, you will need to publish the task in order for its “Task Procedures” to carry over to the “PM Procedures” related table located under the PM Schedule form.



    After associating the task with a PM schedule, return to the “Task Library” and publish that task.


    After publishing that task, the procedures will appear on the “PM Procedures” related table.



    NOTE:  Every time this PM generates a WO these procedures will also appear in the “Work Procedures” section under the Work Order form.





    Under the Data Center on the Navigation screen you will find the “PM Task Library” option, which has a generic list of Procedures that you can use for reference. You can copy procedures from this list and paste them to the Description of any Task you need to create (If you are using the “Task Procedures” table you would need to add each procedure separately) .





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